Adverse drug reactions | PPT - SlideShare
2013年11月14日 · This document discusses the importance of adverse drug reaction (ADR) monitoring and pharmacovigilance. It notes that while clinical trials reveal most common and acute ADRs, post-marketing surveillance is needed to detect rare or delayed reactions since drugs are used by larger and more diverse populations in clinical practice.
ADR(药品不良反应)培训与报告-PPT课件 - 百度文库
药品不良反应 (ADR):合格药品在正 常用法用量下出现的与用药目的无关 的有害反应。 药品说明书中未载明的不良反应 说明书中已有描述,但不良反应发生 的性质、程度、后果或者频率与说明 书描述不一致或者更严重的,按照新 的药品不良反应处理 。 第13条 药品生产、经营企业和医疗机构应当建立药品 不良反应报告和监测管理制度。 药品生产企业应当设 立专门机构并配备专职人员,药品经营企业和医疗机 构应当设立或指定机构并配备专(兼)职人员,承担 本单位的药品 …
PPT - Adverse Drug Reactions PowerPoint Presentation, free
2014年10月23日 · Topics • Introduction & definitions of adverse drug reactions (ADR ) • Most common reasons of ADR • Prevention & Risk factors for ADR • General Classification of ADR • Examples of ADRs • Conclusion • Resources
Detection & monitoring of ADR - ppt download - SlidePlayer
12 Adr detection at hospitals Heath care ... Download ppt "Detection & monitoring of ADR" Similar presentations . Common/shared responsibilities between jobs. Medication Management. Sevene E, Mariano A, Mola D Faculty of Medicine / Ministry of Health Pretoria, September 2004 PHARMACOVIGILANCE SYSTEM - MOZAMBIQUE INTRODUCING PV INTO. ...
PPT - Adverse Drug Reaction PowerPoint Presentation, free …
2020年1月4日 · Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR). Harm associated with the use of a given medications OR Unwanted or harmful reaction experienced after the administration of a drug or combination of drugs under normal conditions of use.
Adverse drug reactions | PPT - SlideShare
2021年5月29日 · This document discusses adverse drug reactions (ADRs), including definitions, classifications, mechanisms, and predisposing factors. It defines an ADR as an unintended, harmful reaction to a medication. ADRs are classified based on factors like type (dose-related vs unpredictable), timing (onset), and individual susceptibility.
Alternative Dispute Resolution - ppt download - SlidePlayer
Third Party Alternative Dispute Resolution. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)? It involves the application of theories, procedures, and skills designed.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) | PPT - SlideShare
2020年5月5日 · Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) describes ways for parties to settle civil disputes without formal court hearings, using arbitration, mediation, or conciliation with an independent third party. Common types of ADR include arbitration, where a specialist decides the dispute, and mediation, where an independent mediator helps facilitate ...
(PDF) ADR ppt - ResearchGate
2018年3月19日 · Adverse Case Report: A case report in ADR is a notific ation relating to a patient with an adverse effect or laboratory test abnormality suspected to be induced by medici nal …
Adverse Drug Reactions | PPT - SlideShare
2018年4月30日 · This document discusses adverse drug reactions, including definitions, classifications, monitoring, documentation, and reporting. It defines an adverse drug reaction as an unintended response to a drug that occurs at normal doses. Adverse events are classified as serious if they result in death, hospitalization, disability, or required ...