合成器基础:ADSR包络线 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在计算机音乐中,adsr表示的并不是绝对的音量,而是相对值。 它整体取决于我们演奏的力度。 如果我们演奏的力度大,那么曲线对应的音量范围也就更大。
Curve 2 by Cableguys - Synthesizer for Mac/Windows - ADSR
Curve is a software synthesizer with an irresistible waveform editor, huge sound library and slick interface. Version 2.5 adds new Sallen-Key filter types, beat-synced envelopes, an overhauled UI and many tweaked sounds. Feed Curve’s oscillators, LFOs …
Understanding ADSR Envelopes (Sound Design Fundamentals)
2023年12月15日 · What About ADSR Curves? The curve here refers to the shape of the envelope between points. Each synth will handle this differently. Many are fixed “under the hood” and may just use simple straight lines. More powerful synths will let you tweak the curve for each stage, giving you convex, concave, and even spline shapes for a more complex ...
ADSR Envelopes: How to Build The Perfect Sound [Infographic]
2022年11月8日 · This guide will help you understand ADSR by visualizing what ADSR envelopes actually do to sound. Plus, I’ll cover some of the common uses for ADSR and how to tweak the parameters to get the sound you want.
Envelope generators—ADSR code | EarLevel Engineering
2013年6月3日 · Adjust the curves of the Attack, or Decay and Release segments, from the initial default values (small number such as 0.0001 to 0.01 for mostly-exponential, large numbers like 100 for virtually linear):
adsr - Csound
Calculates the classical ADSR envelope using linear segments. iatt -- duration of attack phase. idec -- duration of decay. islev -- level for sustain phase. irel -- duration of release phase. idel -- period of zero before the envelope starts.
ADSR 包络:完全入门指南 - eMastered
ADSR 是攻击(Attack)、衰减(Decay)、持续(Sustain)和释放(Release)的缩写,这四个阶段定义了声音从触发到消失的时间演变过程。虽然我们经常在合成中听到 ADSR 包络,但它们实际上适用于任何音源。
Envelopes in Sound Synthesis: The Ultimate Guide | WolfSound
2022年7月3日 · A tutorial on envelopes in sound synthesis: ADSR, ADBDR, and other types, what they can control, which segments they have, and how to implement them.
音乐音频 | 信号特征分析ADSR - CSDN博客
2023年4月13日 · ADSR(Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release)是电子音乐中描述音量变化的重要概念,用于声音设计。 它涵盖了声音从产生到消失的过程,包括上升时间、衰减时间、持续音量和释放时间。
What Is ADSR?: Unveiling the Secret of Synth Sounds
2024年4月19日 · ADSR stands for Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release. It is a four-stage envelope model that defines how sound evolves over time in a synthesizer. Crafting the shape of a soundwave, ADSR envelopes are crucial for musicians and producers aiming to control the dynamics of their synthesizer’s output.
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