Human Adenovirus 5 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Adenovirus has emerged as a highly immunogenic vector inducing both innate and adaptive immunity. Transgene is currently testing a non-replicative adenovirus 5 vector encoding HBV Core, Polymerase and selected domains of Envelop proteins (TG1050).
An adenovirus type 5 (AdV5) vector encoding an envelope …
2009年10月9日 · We have designed and created a replication-defective AdV5 vaccine vector capable of expressing an EDIII-based tetravalent antigen. Further we show that this rAdV5 vaccine vector can elicit immune responses specific to each one of the four DENV serotypes and does so in the presence of anti-AdV5 neutralizing antibodies.
Addgene: Adenovirus Guide
Ad5-based vectors use the Coxsackie-Adenovirus Receptor (CAR) to enter cells. Recombinant adenovirus has two genes deleted: E1 and E3. E1 is supplied by the adenovirus packaging lines 293 or 911; its deletion from the viral vector renders the virus replication incompetent.
Replication-Defective Adenovirus Serotype 5 Vectors Elicit Durable ...
Serotype 5 human adenovirus made replication incompetent by mutation of the viral E1 and E3 genes (ADV5) has proven a safe and highly immunogenic vector in studies with laboratory animals and early-phase human clinical trials (4, 5, 17).
Integrin-Targeting Strategies for Adenovirus Gene Therapy - MDPI
2024年5月13日 · In one study, an oncolytic Adv5 vector containing deletions in the hexon, penton base, and fiber that ablates virus association with CAR, integrins αvβ3 and αvβ5, as well as clotting factors, was equipped with a 20mer peptide (A20, NAVPNL RGD LQLAQKVART) inserted into the HI loop of the fiber knob [68,69]. This RGD peptide sequence ...
Chimeric Ad5/F35 Adenovirus Gene Expression Vector
Our Ad5/F35 vector contains a chimeric fiber protein consisting of the knob and shaft derived from Ad35 and the fiber tail derived from Ad5 which enables it to have an expanded tropism compared to conventional Ad5 vectors, specifically for cells lacking or having insufficient expression of CAR.
『腺病毒』入门知识介绍-结构、感染过程、Ad5 & Ad5/F35、Adv …
嵌合型Adv载体,主要结构是在Ad5的基础上,其受体结合位置的纤突改造成了F35型的纤突。 目前有3代腺病毒载体用于基因治疗 (详见下图)。 第一代腺病毒载体基于人血清5型腺病毒的基因组结构,缺失E1和E3基因。
An adenovirus type 5 (AdV5) vector encoding an envelope …
2009年10月9日 · This antigen derived by in-frame fusion of the EDIII-encoding sequences of the four DENV serotypes was expressed using a replication-defective recombinant human adenovirus type 5 (rAdV5) vaccine vector. This rAdV5 vector induced cell-mediated immune responses and virus-neutralizing antibodies specific to each of the four DENVs in mice.
腺病毒体内应用-病毒指南 | 云舟生物 - VectorBuilder
在过去的几十年间, 复制缺陷的人类重组腺病毒V5(HadV5) 已 经成为一种广泛应用在真核基因表达分析、疫苗研究和基因治疗等 领域的模式系统。 这种经修饰后的腺病毒,其E1和E3基因已被移 除,依然具备细胞感染的能力。 而用于产生新的病毒颗粒或者说病毒粒子的必需基因不复存在。 利用腺病毒将基因物质传递到宿主细胞具有很多优势。 在体内以及 体外,重组腺病毒都能被用于转导多种哺乳动物(尤其是人类)的 分裂期细胞和休眠细胞。 此外,重组腺病毒还能用于 …
Replication-defective adenovirus serotype 5 vectors elicit …
The magnitude and durability of immune responses induced by replication-defective adenovirus serotype 5 (ADV5) vector-based vaccines were evaluated in the simian-human immunodeficiency virus/rhesus monkey model. A single inoculation of recombinant ADV5 vector constructs induced cellular and humoral …
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