Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) is a party involved in the international movement of goods in whatever function that has been approved by or on behalf of a national Customs administration as complying with WCO or equivalent supply chain security standards.
What is AEO? - European Commission - Taxation and Customs …
The AEO concept is based on the Customs-to-Business partnership introduced by the World Customs Organisation (WCO). Traders who voluntarily meet a range of criteria work in close cooperation with customs authorities to assure the common objective of supply chain security are entitled to enjoy benefits throughout the EU.
申请海关AEO认证全攻略 - Customs
2022年9月26日 · AEO是Authorized Economic Operator的简称,中文译名为“经认证的经营者”,是指以任何一种方式参与货物国际流通,符合海关总署规定标准的企业。 AEO制度是世界海关组织《全球贸易安全与便利标准框架》中的核心制度,旨在通过海关与海关、海关与商界以及海关与其他政府部门的合作,将海关监管风险最小化,从而促进全球供应链安全与贸易便利化,实现关企互利共赢、贸易畅通。 中国海关将在海关注册登记和备案的企业按照信用等级划分为高级认证企 …
AEO认证方法:如何填写AEO认证互认编码? - 知乎专栏
AEO 企业编码填报样式为“国别(地区)代码+海关企业编码”,例如:新加坡 AEO 企业:SG123456789012(新加坡国别代码+12位企业编码)。 如果公司不是AEO认证企业,但境外收货人是AEO认证企业,出口时能否享受任何便利措施? 如境外收货人是AEO认证企业,并且目的国或地区与中国海关有AEO互认协议,出口时可以在报关单和货运舱单中填写收货人的AEO编码。 在货物到达目的国后,由于收货人是AEO认证企业,可能会享受到当地海关提供的通关便 …
一文读懂AEO编码填写规则 - 知乎专栏
AEO 是Authorized Economic Operator的缩写,即“ 经认证的经营者 ”,是 世界海关组织 倡导的一项促进贸易安全与便利的制度安排。 海关对守法程度、信用状况和安全水平较高的企业进行认证认可,并给予其便利和优惠措施。 通过开展AEO互认合作,中国海关和互认国家(地区)海关AEO企业出口到对方的货物,能够直接享受对方海关实施的通关便利措施,从而降低贸易成本。 为了让AEO企业能够在申报时符合填写规范,及时享受中国海关与其他AEO互认国家(地区) …
AEO(海关)认证是什么?AEO(海关)认证的流程是什么? - 知乎
《海关高级认证企业标准》包含通用标准和单项标准(针对不同类型的企业,如进出口货物收发货人、报关企业等),申请企业需同时符合通用标准和相应的单项标准。 准备资料:企业需准备一系列的申请资料,包括企业的注册证明、企业组织结构和人员简历、企业经营情况和进出口情况等信息。 提交申请:企业向注册地海关企管部门提交书面申请,并按照海关要求提交相关资料。 可以现场提交或者网上提交申请。 现场提交申请时需递交纸本申请材料原件,并加盖公章;如授 …
AEO legislation and management instruments - European …
2013年10月9日 · General information on what an AEO is, who can become AEO and on the different categories of AEO; A description of the AEO benefits, including a specific section on mutual recognition;
AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) - European Commission
Authorised Economic Operators closely cooperate with customs authorities and play an increasingly important role in the supply chain in terms of the number of goods declared. Find out all about EU Programme for AEOs including the criteria for obtaining the AEO status and benefits for …
The purpose of this Guidance is to assist the AEO process suficiently by presenting a global, har-monized guide that links to, and builds on, oth-er WCO instruments and tools, particularly the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards and the WCO Revised Kyoto Convention.
Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) - Revenue Commissioners
2025年2月17日 · AEO status is a certified standard authorisation issued by customs administrations in the European Union (EU). It certifies that an economic operator has met certain standards in relation to: practical standards of competence or professional qualifications.
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