VTS Air Handing Unit – VENTUS Born in the USA combines European technology and American sustainability - it is tailored to the needs of the American market. The compact air handlers are available in either horizontal (model VTS-h) or vertical (model VTS-v) con fi gurations.
VTS also provides digital models of WING air curtains and VOLCANO air heaters. The models contain: parametrized electric and hydraulic connectors, mount options vertically and horizontally, presentation of the range of air stream, parameter of any inclination angle of an air heater in relation to the horizontal plane.
OMM-VTS-ver.1.04 (January 2014) 7 3 General Information The VENTUS air handling units of VTS family are draw-thru air handlers for cooling or/and heating load conditions of 800-8500 cfm. The units are available in either horizontal or vertical configurations. The vertical configurations are limited to 4500 cfm. Both
It is recommended to engage VTS Authorized Service Providers for installation, start-up, maintenance and repairs of the AHU units . This manual should always be kept handy for reference and be easily available for the
VTS_01_0.VOB 此文件用什么来打开? - 百度知道
2010年12月30日 · 暴风影音作为对 Windows Media Player 的补充和完善,暴风影音提供和升级了系统对流行的影音文件和流的支持,包括 Real、 QuickTime、MPEG-2、MPEG-4 (DivX/XviD/3ivx、MP4、AVC/H264...)、AC3/DTS、ratDVD、 VP3/6/7、Indeo、XVD、 Theora、OGG/OGM、Matroska、APE、FLAC、TTA、AAC、MPC、Voxware、 3GP/AMR、TTL2、字幕等。 配合最新版本的 Windows Media Player 可完成大多数流行影音文件、 流媒体 、影碟等 …
只有VTS_01_1.vob等文件时DVD的修复办法 - 中关村在线论坛
2005年4月27日 · 目前情况:现有VTS_01_1.vob、VTS_01_2.vob、VTS_01_3.vob、VTS_01_4.vob (.vob文件最大体积是976M) 4个文件,总长度70分39秒,总容量3.63G,分辨率720*576,宽高比4:3 ...
怎样播放VTS_01_2.VOB格式的文件? - 百度知道
2013年1月14日 · 怎样播放vts_01_2.vob格式的文件?查看你的电脑光驱是cd还是dvd,如果是cd肯定是读不了dvd格式光盘的,如果是dvd光驱读不出来,那就是光驱坏了,一般的情况下,用快播能播放
Modular Air Handling Units | Ventus Pro AHUs - VTS Group
Units with a capacity of up to 3000 m 3 /h are equipped with energy-saving EC motors as standard. All units are available with multi-functional controls that performs advanced energy-saving functions based on measurements of air quality parameters. - high-efficiency rotary heat exchanger with EC motor.
一、如果你把这个文件复制到电脑上,你可以把文件名都改了,特别注意,如果你把VTS-01.后面的VOB也改了,这个文件的属性就变了,你就打不开文件,不能看这个电影了;若你只是更改VTS-01,为其他文件名,而.VOB依然不变,这个文件还是可以打开观看的。 二、如果你打开后DVD,不把这个文件复制到电脑上,直接更改这个文件名,那么你更不改不了这个文件名的任何部分,因为此时这个文件的属性是只能读取,不能进行任何其他操作。 不能啊 ,那是dvd文件的 …
It is recommended to rely on VTS Authorized Service Providers in such matters as the installation, start-up, maintenance and repairs of the AHU units. This manual should always be kept handy for reference and be easily available for the servicing