ToeOFF® 2.0 | Foot Drop Moderate Stability - Allard USA
With more gently contoured "wings", pre-attached MikroFIX™, straps with alligator tabs and D-Rings and more, we are sure you will love our 2.0 models. Foot drop in combination with no …
ToeOFF® 2½ | Products - Allard USA
ToeOFF ® 2½ is designed to manage footdrop in conditions such as Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Post Polio Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Cord Injuries, Traumatic Brain Injuries, …
ToeOFF® 2.0 | Foot Drop, Adult | Products - Allard International
ToeOFF ® 2.0 is designed to support gait in conditions such as Posterior Tibialis Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD) and toe amputations. ToeOFF ® 2.0 can also be used for partial foot …
control & AFO rigidity Posterior Leaf Spring AFO o Most posterior trimline o More ankle motion allowed due to material flexibility o Minimal to no mediolateral ... o ↑ Push-off force o Allows for …
Your orthotist will determine how to put on your specific AFO, but below are some general guidelines: 1. Always wear a clean sock that reaches as high as the top of the brace. Smooth …
ToeOFF® Flow 2½ | Foot Drop Moderate Stability - Allard USA
ToeOFF ® FLOW 2½ has a lower heel height (approx. 7mm) which accommodates gentler contours of shoe insoles and offers more clearance for the forefoot in the shoe toe box. It is …
The Allard AFOs are the original carbon composite AFO customizable shell that has been engineered to provide a dynamic response throughout the gait cycle by utilizing the flexibility of …
Allard Toeoff 2.0 - SPSCO
Gently contoured "wings", pre-attached MikroFIX, straps with alligator tabs and D-Rings and more available. Foot drop in combination with no spasticity to moderate spasticity. Limb …
Ankle-Foot Orthosis (AFO) Types for Foot Drop - Verywell Health
2023年12月14日 · An ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) is a hard brace worn on the lower leg that improves overall walking safety and efficiency for people with certain medical conditions. …
Guide to Treating Drop Foot with Ankle-Foot Orthotics
There are five basic types of AFOs that we can choose for our patients with drop foot: Solid ankle AFO (with or without posterior stop). Also available with dorsiflexion assist. This type of AFO is …