HOW TO: Setup AFR / Lambda ERROR Graphs vs. VE Table (non …
2016年2月22日 · First go to the Graphs tab. If you don't have a Graphs tab, go to layout, add to layout, graph. Right click in the graph, select graph layout. Click on "click to insert or change" beside parameter at the top. Go down to the Lambda …
Applicable Federal Rates (AFRs) | Brentmark, Inc. | Financial Software
The webpage provides information on Applicable Federal Rates (AFRs) including short-term, mid-term, and long-term rates.
Air/Fuel Ratio - Cycledoctor
Regardless of the actual ideal air/fuel ratio number, almost everyone wishes to see a nice, flat air/fuel graph. This means that the ratio stays constant throughout the rpm range. A perfectly flat air/fuel graph is certainly not necessary for optimum engine performance or safety, but it is a nice thing to show off when tuning a vehicle.
Lambda / AFR Table - FTY Racing
As a quick reference, here are lambda values and their AFR equivalents for different fuels. This is handy to use when looking at a wideband display/gauge that displays a gas scale AFR or just for curiosity’s sake.
Initial AFR Table Calculator
This is a tool for establishing a baseline AFR table for your tuning efforts with MegaSquirt® or MicroSquirt® controllers. It is designed to work in Internet Explorer 6.0, though it may work with other browsers.
HP Tuners AFR Error Correction Graph Setup - YouTube
2018年3月23日 · A brief explanation on how to setup an AFR correction graph that you can use to quickly whip your VE tables into shape. This is a follow up to my Wideband via EGR sensor video and includes the...
Scanner AFR Graph 2 cells not populating average while live, but ...
My AFR Error graph has blank cells in MAP 60-65 RPM 1200 for average when live logging. It does show last and count in these cells. After saving the file the cells are populated.
Applicable federal rates (AFR) - Thomson Reuters
Applicable federal rates (AFR) Download your free report to stay up to date with the latest in applicable federal rates
Tech Tips - How to Adjust Wideband, AFR, and EQR Commanded
2020年9月23日 · In his case, he is having trouble using a AFR Graph using his AEM 30-0334 wideband. When using the feature, be advised that the method in the book is specifically for analog widebands. In this video, learn how to modify …
AFR Error Not Working - HP Tuners Bulletin Board
2016年2月27日 · I've got AFR commanded and MPVI.1 AEM in my channel and they are working. I've got the math set up like this. 100*([30001.10]-[50121])/[50121]. I've got all the proper column and row axis values entered in the graph display.