2012年8月8日 · The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has recently built the High Pressure Par-ticulate Physics (HP3) Facility at Eglin Air Force Base in order to do impact experiments. Currently, the primary tool is a 60mm single stage powder gun. This paper describes the gun, projectiles, and targets typically employed, as well as the common experimental ...
DTIC ADA565274: AFRL's HP3 60mm Powder Gun - Archive.org
2012年8月8日 · The Air Force Research Laboratory at Eglin Air Force Base has invested in a new facility, called the High Pressure Particulate Physics (HP3) Facility, to study materials at conditions comparable to those occurring in or near a detonation or high speed impact event.
[PDF] AFRL's HP3 60mm Powder Gun - Semantic Scholar
Abstract : The Air Force Research Laboratory at Eglin Air Force Base has invested in a new facility, called the High Pressure Particulate Physics (HP3) Facility, to study materials at conditions comparable to those occurring in or near a detonation or high speed impact event.
AFRL’s Munitions Directorate Stands Up New, Unique Capability
The Air Force Research Laboratory's Munitions Directorate is standing up a brand new capability, the High Pressure Particulate Physics (HP3) Facility, to enhance the role of science and technology in smart munitions development.
Laser interferometry and emission spectroscopy measurements of …
2017年1月13日 · Plate impact experiments were conducted on a cold-sprayed Al-CuO thermite at peak stresses between 5-35 GPa to determine the Hugoniot curve and characterize any shock …
(PDF) AFRL's HP3 60mm Powder Gun - Academia.edu
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
美国空军研究实验室 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
美国空军研究实验室(Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL)是隶属于美国空军装备司令部的一个科研机构,致力于领导空军作战技术的研究与发展、空军科技计划的规划与执行以及为美国空中、外太空和赛博空间的部队提供战斗力 [1] 。实验室控制着整个美国空军的科研 ...
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) received eight different helmets from four manufacturers including Bullard (USRX, LT), Modular Helmet Systems Ltd (MHSL) (Targa 0086), Lion (Legacy 5) and Cairns (Rescue 360R, Invader 664, Invader 664 Proximity and Commando HP3). AFRL received nine different sets of National Fire Protection Association
AFRL’s new High Pressure Particulate Physics (HP3) Facility. (AFRL …
The Air Force Research Laboratory’s Munitions Directorate is standing up a new capability, the High Pressure Particulate Physics (HP3) Facility, which will be operational at the end of 2011. (AFRL Image)
Shock Propagation and Deformation of Additively-Manufactured Polymer ...
2018年8月24日 · Two different plate impact experiments were carried out at AFRL/RWMW’s HP3 gun impact facility, in order to (i) measure the solid printed ABS material’s shock Hugoniot and obtain an accurate U s –u p relationship for use in FEA models, and (ii) to obtain high speed video of the shock deformation of specimens with different levels of ...