8A400 - Talent Management Consultant AFSC - Forever Wingman
Share 0 Tweet 0 Share 0 Pin 0 SummaryManages Air Force Reserve retention and incentive programs. Assists commanders and supervisors in talent management and provides one-on-one and group career counseling sessions. Advises Airmen on career progression and planning. Conducts advertising and publicity programs to foster Reserve retention. Provides briefings on benefits and entitlements.Briefs ...
Headquarters RIO > Career Management > Talent Management …
The HQ RIO Talent Management Consultant (TMC) office is the career advising office for Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs) and is responsible for assisting the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Force. The TMC supports IMAs by managing bonuses, Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP), and the Selective Reenlistment Program.
8A100 - Career Assistance Advisor - Military Yearbook Project
Develops, supervises, and manages Air Force retention programs; advises on career progression and planning; monitors mandatory pay and benefits briefing programs; and conducts advertising and publicity programs. Advises officers and airmen on enlisted retention activities and programs.
USAF Jobs (AFSC List) - USAF Sports
2024年2月1日 · The United States Air Force offers a diverse range of career opportunities which are categorized by Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs), which outline specific roles and responsibilities for both enlisted personnel and officers. This is a list of all Air Force jobs, including all enlisted Air Force jobs and their assigned AFSCs
Matt "SOCO" Hoefing - Wing Career Assistance Advisor / Talent ...
8A400, McConnell AFB Wing Talent Management Consultant · Approximately 4,000 hrs of MQ-9 flight time (current as of July 2022).
- 职位: 8A400, McConnell AFB Wing …
- 位置: US Air Force Reserve
- 人脉数: 153
4 AIR ADVISOR AND COMBAT AVIATION ADVISOR SDI 8L100 THROUGH 8L900 CAREER FIELD EDUCATION AND TRAINING PLAN PART I Preface 1. This Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) is a comprehensive document that identifies
Air Force Specialty Code - Wikipedia
The Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) is an alphanumeric code used by the United States Air Force to identify a specific job. Officer AFSCs consist of four characters and enlisted AFSCs consist of five characters. A letter prefix or suffix may be used with an AFSC when more specific identification of position requirements and individual ...
Meet the 403rd Wing's new talent management consultant
2022年12月20日 · Once called career advisors, the Air Force changed the job title to talent management consultants as of Oct. 31. For the 403rd Wing, Master Sgt. Heather Klamt is the talent management consultant, and she plays a pivotal role in …
All about Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) - Forever Wingman
Primary Air Force Specialty Code (PAFSC) – the AFSC that you have the highest skill level and are most qualified in. Duty Air Force Specialty Code (DAFSC) – Every position in the Air Force has an allocated spot on a unit manning document (UMD). This is the AFSC of the slot that you are assigned to.
individual’s immediate supervisor (Chapter 3); clarifies OJT waivers and AFSC upgrade are governed by AFI 36-2201, Air Force Training Program (Chapter 3); identifies which medical standards will not be waived (Chapter 3); simplifies when and how to change an individual’s CAFSC as a result of retraining
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