Engineering highly active Ag/Nb2O5@Nb2CTx (MXene) …
2021年10月1日 · The Ag/Nb 2 O 5 @Nb 2 CT x hybrid overcomes the fast recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes, and utilizes the highly active (0 0 1) facets of Nb 2 O 5, significantly improving the photocatalytic HER activity to 682.2 μmol·g −1 h −1 and 824.2 μmol·g −1 h −1 use glycerol as sacrificial agents under sunlight irradiation ...
Facile construction of plasmonic Ag/Nb2O5 films and their ...
2024年8月1日 · To overcome the various defects of Nb 2 O 5 photocatalysts, we plan to introduce Ag nanoparticles to modify Nb 2 O 5 photocatalyst, in hopes of significantly enhancing its performance. This work represents the fabrication of Nb 2 O 5 films and the modification of Nb 2 O 5 films with Ag nanoparticles using the photoreduction method.
紫外-可见光照射下银纳米颗粒增强 Ag/Nb2O5 光 ... - X-MOL
本研究合成了由准六方五氧化二铌(TT-Nb 2 O 5 )负载的银纳米颗粒(NP)组成的光催化剂。 该催化剂在紫外可见光照射下通过H 2 O还原CO 2 表现出增强的光催化性能。 CO产率高达66.5 μmol·g -1 ·h -1,选择性为92.1%,并且在四个循环中也观察到优异的稳定性。 表征研究表明,在Nb 2 O 5 上引入Ag NPs有利于氧空位(V o s)(当暴露于紫外线时进一步再生),导致CO 2 的吸附和活化增强。 富电子的Ag NPs有利于H 2 O解离为H + 后Ag-H键的形成,促进质子-电子耦 …
Silver nanoparticle-enhanced photocatalytic CO2 reduction over Ag/Nb2O5 …
2023年9月25日 · Ag NPs are beneficial for the formation of oxygen vacancies on Nb 2 O 5. A photocatalyst composed of Ag nanoparticles (NPs) supported on pseudo-hexagonal niobium pentoxide (TT-Nb 2 O 5) was synthesized in this study. This catalyst exhibited an enhanced photocatalytic performance for the reduction of CO 2 by H 2 O under UV–vis light irradiation.
Synthesis and physical properties of Ag doped niobium pentoxide …
2019年3月1日 · The incorporation of Ag nanometals in Nb 2 O 5 thin film exhibits enhanced photovoltaic properties because the Ag nanoparticles on the Nb 2 O 5 surface serve as electron sinks that promote charge separation between the photogenerated electrons (e −) and holes (h +). Introducing the Ag nanoparticle to the semiconducting material may increase ...
Optimization of Nb2O5/Ag/Nb2O5 multilayers as transparent …
2012年11月30日 · Different multilayer structures of Nb 2 O 5 /Ag/Nb 2 O 5 have been deposited onto flexible substrates by sputtering at room temperature to develop an indium free transparent composite electrode. The effect of Ag thickness on the electrical and optical properties of the multilayer stack has been studied in accordance with the Ag morphology.
一种银纳米粒子修饰的五氧化二铌光催化剂及其制备方法和应用与 …
2022年11月5日 · 其通过将ag nps负载在nb2o5上,以提高ag nps负载型催化剂co2还原的性能,解决了单纯载体在光催化还原过程中的不稳定性及活性低的问题,且该催化剂制备方法简单易行,有利于推广应用。
Ag/AgBr coupled low crystalline Nb2O5 as an effective ... - Springer
2020年7月1日 · The low crystalline Nb2O5 (L-Nb2O5) substrate provides the photocatalyst with a high specific area and numerous active sites for catalysis, while the combination of the Ag/AgBr with L-Nb2O5 effectively facilitates the separation of photo-generated charge carriers.
Facile synthesis of nano-Ag decorated Nb2O5 on the 3D …
2023年1月16日 · In this study, Ag NPs coated 3D network structure composite of Nb 2 O 5 incorporated in the reduced graphene oxide (Ag-Nb 2 O 5 @rGO) is prepared as a favorable anode of LIBs with a simple hydrothermal-reaction, followed by silver-mirror reaction.
Quasi‐Aligned Ag–Nb2O5 Nanobelt Arrays with Enhanced ... - ACerS
2011年3月14日 · Quasi-aligned Nb2O5 nanobelt arrays 300–500 nm wide, 20–40 nm thick, and 5–10 μm long are fabricated directly on a Nb foil using a hydrothermal reaction in a KOH solution followed by protonation and calcination treatment.