予AGL1菌株链霉素抗性,适用于水稻、拟南芥、杨树等植物的转基因操作,经植物双元pCAMBIA2301表达 质粒检测,转化效率可达103cfu/μg,-70℃保存12个月转化效率不发生改变。 转化方法(采用冻融方法) 1.取-70℃保存的AGL1农杆菌感受态细胞于冰水浴中融化;
AGL1 Electrocompetent cell 农杆菌电转感受态细胞 - 上海懋康生 …
agl1菌株适用于拟南芥、水稻、杨树等植物的转基因操作。 我司懋康生物提供的AGL1电转感受态细胞经特殊工艺制作,特别适合大质粒的转化。 基因型C58 RecA (rifR/carbR) Ti pTiBo542DT-DNA Succinamopine,经pCAMBIA2301质粒检测转化效率>105cfu/μg DNA。
AGL1 Chemically Competent Cell - 生物风
agl1菌株适用于水稻、拟南芥、杨树等植物的转基因操作。 本公司生产的 AGL1化学转化感受态细胞 经特殊工艺制作,pCAMBIA2301质粒检测转化效率>10 4 cfu/μg DNA。
AGL-1 Agrobacterium Electrocompetent Cells - GoldBio
GoldBio’s AGL-1 Agrobacterium Electrocompetent Cells allow you to obtain high transformation efficiency in applications such as gDNA or cDNA library construction. Our AGL-1 strain harbors the C58 chromosomal backbone with an insertion mutation in its rec A recombination gene. This mutation stabilizes recombinant plasmids.
AGL-1 Agrobacterium Electrocompetent Cells - GoldBio
GoldBio’s AGL-1 Agrobacterium Electrocompetent Cells provide the highest transformation efficiencies ideal for applications such as cDNA or gDNA library construction. The AGL-1 strain has a C58 chromosomal background that carries an insertion mutation in its rec A recombination gene which stabilizes recombinant plasmids.
AGL1菌株适用于水稻、拟南芥、杨树等植物的转基因操作。普因 特生产的AGL1感受态细胞经特殊工艺制作,pCAMBIA2301质粒 检测转化效率>104cfu/μgDNA。 操作方法 1.取-80℃保存的农杆菌感受态于冰上融化,每100μl感受态加入 1-5μl(<300μg)质粒DNA,轻弹混匀,冰浴15min;
AGL1 Agrobacterium ElectroCompetent Cells - Intact Genomics
AGL1 electroporation cells with a binary vector allows for subsequent Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana and other plants. The AGL1 strain has a C58 chromosomal background that carries an insertion mutation in its recA recombination gene which stabilizes recombinant plasmids.
AGL1 农杆菌适用于水稻、拟南芥、杨 树等植物的转基因操作。 AGL1 电转感受态特别适用大质粒的转化,经 pCAMBIA2301质粒检测转化效率大于105cfu/μg DNA。 电极间距为0.1cm 的电转杯(Gene Pulser®/MicroPulserTM electroporation cuvettes) 插入碎冰中,压实冰面,冰 中静置5 分钟,使 电转杯充分降温。 ( 电转杯重复使用方法:每 次用完后,用大量的自来水冲洗干净去掉菌液和DNA,用 蒸馏水洗3 遍,将 其泡在75% 乙醇中30 分钟,取 出杯子,沥 干液体,放在超净台中, 使乙醇充分挥 …
AGL1菌株为C58, RecA型背景,核基因中含有筛选标签——利福平抗性基因rif和羧苄青霉素抗性基因carb,为了便于转化操作,此菌株携带一无自身转运功能的琥珀碱型Ti质粒 pTiBo542DT-DNA,此质粒含有vir基因(vir基因是T-DNA插入植物基因组必需的元件, pTiBo542DT-DNA质粒自身的T-DNA转移功能被破坏,但可以帮助转入的双元载体T-DNA顺利转移)。 pTiBo542DT-DNA型Ti质粒含有筛选标签:strep,赋予AGL1菌株链霉素抗性,适用于水稻、拟南芥、杨树 …
GoldBio’s AGL-1 Agrobacterium Electrocompetent Cells allow you to obtain high transformation efficiency in applications such as gDNA or cDNA library construction. Our AGL-1 strain harbors the C58 chromosomal backbone with an insertion mutation in its recA recombination gene. This mutation stabilizes recombinant plasmids.
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