AGM-130 - Wikipedia
The AGM-130 was an air-to-ground guided missile developed by the United States of America. Developed in 1984, it is effectively a rocket-boosted version of the GBU-15 bomb. It first entered operational service on 11 January 1999, and was retired in 2013. 502 were produced.
AGM-130空地导弹 - 百度百科
AGM-130 Missile > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The AGM-130 is a powered air-to-surface missile designed for high- and low-altitude strikes at standoff ranges against a variety of targets. The AGM-130 is equipped with either a television or an imaging infrared seeker and data link. The seeker provides the launch aircraft a visual presentation of the target as seen from the weapon.
AGM-130A - Smart Weapons - Federation of American Scientists
The AGM-130A is a powered version of the Guided Bomb Unit-15 munition, and provides a significantly increased standoff range beyond that of the GBU-15. The munition allows the aircraft to remain at a distance from the target and uses man-in-the-loop guidance with either a television or infrared seeker and a 2,000-pound general purpose warhead.
The AGM-130 is a rocket-powered derivative of the GBU-15 modular glide bomb. It is comprised of a 2,000 pound bomb fitted with a target detector and mechanical control fins. The additional range and mission flexibility of the AGM-130 greatly increases the survivability of the launching aircraft and crew.
Boeing (Rockwell) AGM-130 - Designation-Systems.Net
All AGM-130 variants used the "short chord"-type wings and fins of the GBU-15 (V)/B, but used different types of warheads. The AGM-130A used the 906 kg (2000 lb) MK 84 blast-fragmentation bomb, while the AGM-130B was a proposed airfield-attack version with a submunition warhead.
AGM-130远距离空对地制导炸弹(图文) - 新浪军事频道
2001年2月28日 · AGM-130型是空对地导弹,设计为高低空打击武器,拥有可自远距离发射,可对付各类目标。 其特点是:由GBU-15型制导武器系统的模块概念演进而来,AGM-130使用火箭发动机而扩大射程,同时配有高度计控制飞行高度。 根据弹头不同,AGM-130有两种型号;AGM-130A配MK84型高爆/杀伤弹头;AGM-130C型携有BLU-109型穿甲弹头。 AGM-130的影像系统是一部电视,或红外线显像跟踪器,加上数据链。 跟踪器让发射的战机见到目标影像,如同由 …
AGM-130空地导弹 - 豆丁网
AGM-130是美国1984年研制的一种空对地导弹,具有远距离投放能力和强杀伤力。 该弹实际就是加装了动力装置的制导炸弹,是在GBU-15光电制导炸弹基础上加装火箭发动机和雷达高度表研制而成。 火箭发动机固定在GBU-15炸弹的腹部,其长度约为炸弹长度的70%,即2.8米左右,重量约200千克,产生的推力能使导弹速度接近10马赫,因此被称为空地导弹 (AGM)而不是炸弹。 这种导弹无论在射程、弹道控制和命中精度上都有很大提高,最初研制成功的称AGM-130A型,使 …
AGM-130A - Smart Weapons - GlobalSecurity.org
2017年6月12日 · The AGM-130A is a powered version of the Guided Bomb Unit-15 munition, and provides a significantly increased standoff range beyond that of the GBU-15. The munition allows the aircraft to remain...
AGM-130简介-AGM-130高清图片-AGM-130性能介绍-AGM-130 …
agm-130空地导弹是在gbu-15的基础上加装火箭发动机和雷达高度表研制而成。 它被称为空地导弹(AGM),而不是炸弹,这种武器无论在射程、弹道控制和命中精度...
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