AGM-88 HARM - Wikipedia
The AGM-88 HARM (High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile) is a tactical, air-to-surface anti-radiation missile designed to home in on electronic transmissions coming from surface-to-air radar systems. It was originally developed by Texas Instruments as a replacement for the AGM-45 Shrike and AGM-78 Standard ARM system.
AGM-88反辐射导弹 - 百度百科
AGM-88反辐射导弹(英文:AGM-88 HARM Anti-Radiation Missile),是20世纪70年代美国研制的一型机载高速反辐射导弹。 该导弹由美国得克萨斯仪表公司为美国海、空军研制生产的空对地反辐射导弹,绰号“哈姆”(HARM),主要用于压制、摧毁地面和舰上防空导弹系统的 ...
AGM-88飛彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
目前最新的 AGM-88E 先進反輻射導引飛彈 (Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile, AARGM) 使用了最新的軟體、頻率覆蓋範圍更大的數位式反輻射自動搜尋傳感器、全球定位/慣性導航飛彈導引和主動毫米波雷達末導引組成的多模複合飛彈導引技術。
AGM-88飞弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
AGM-88高速反辐射飞弹 (AGM-88 High-speed anti-Radiation Missile,HARM)是 美国 现役的空对地 反辐射飞弹,用以取代 越战 时期的 AGM-45“百舌鸟” (Shrike)与 AGM-78标准反辐射飞弹 (Standard ARM)。
HARM AGM-88 antiradar missile - Missilery.info
In 1983, a new HARM ASM-88 (High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile) missile was adopted for service with the U.S. Air Force and Navy. Unlike "Shrike" and "Standard-ARM" missiles, except for ground and ship radars of anti-aircraft weapons control systems, it can hit early detection and guidance radars of fighters.
AGM-88 HARM > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The AGM-88 HARM or high-speed anti-radiation missile, is an air-to-surface tactical missile designed to seek and destroy enemy radar-equipped air defense systems. The AGM-88 can detect, attack and destroy a target with minimum aircrew input.
AGM-88 HARM - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The AGM-88 HARM (High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile) is an air-to-surface supersonic, long range missile designed to seek out and destroy enemy radar systems. It was designed as an advanced follow on to Standard ARM and Shrike anti-radiation missiles.
军事知识------AGM-88型哈姆高速反辐射导弹 - 搜狐
2017年8月9日 · AGM-88“哈姆”高速反辐射导弹(AGM-88 High-speed anti-Radiation Missile,HARM)是美国现役的空对地反辐射导弹,用以取代越战时期的AGM-45“百舌鸟”反辐射导弹(Shrike)与AGM-78标准反辐射导弹(Standard ARM)。
agm88导弹(AGM88导弹参数) - 趣书村
2024年11月26日 · AGM-88 高速反辐射导弹(High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile,HARM)是一种空射战术导弹,设计用于压制敌方的防空系统。 它通过追踪敌方雷达发射的信号来定位目标,并摧毁雷达发射器或其相关的防空系统。
agm-88“哈姆”反辐射导弹 - 道客巴巴