AGM-114 Hellfire - Wikipedia
The AGM-114 Hellfire is an American missile developed for anti-armor use, [6] later developed for precision [7] drone strikes against other target types, especially high-value targets. [8] It was originally developed under the name " Heliborne laser, fire-and-forget missile", which led to the colloquial name "Hellfire" ultimately becoming the ...
The Telltale Traces of the US Military’s New ‘Bladed’ Missile
2021年8月26日 · The R9X, or to give it its full name the AGM-114R9X, is an air-to-ground missile (AGM) with reportedly six blades. There does not appear to be any public images of this missile before it has been fired.
AGM-114 R9X Hellfire Blade Bomb - GlobalSecurity.org
The AGM-114 R9X doesn’t explode but instead deploys six sharp blades, hitting and shredding targets without harming people and material nearby. Unlike fragments from an explosion, a blade has a...
揭秘美国军方新型导弹R9X的蛛丝马迹 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
揭开R9X导弹的神秘面纱. AGM-114地狱火导弹(AGM-114 Hellfire)是一种多平台、多目标的美国制导弹,AGM意为“空对地”,即后来的空对面导弹。主要用于反战车,但后期型号也被用于无人机攻击,精确打击高价值目标等。
AGM-114地獄火飛彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AGM-114地獄火飛彈(AGM-114 Hellfire)是一種多平台、多目標的美國製飛彈,AGM意为“空对地”,即后来的空对面导弹。 主要用於 反戰車 ,但后期型号也被用于无人机攻击,精确打击 高价值目标等 ( 英语 : High-value target ) 。
Hellfire - Missile Threat
2024年4月23日 · The AGM-114 Hellfire is a short-range tactical missile in use by over two dozen countries. It is mostly used for land-attack missions and has seen widespread employment in the Global War on Terror.
Ultimate Guide on AGM-114 Hellfire Missiles: Capabilities and Cost
2021年3月22日 · Another variant of the Hellfire missile family, first reported by the WSJ, is AGM-114 R9X, also known as the ”Ninja Bomb.” This specially designed missile is intended for surgical strikes with minimal collateral damage by cutting through houses or car roofs with its six long blades that deploy seconds before the impact.
动能武器和导弹的完美结合,收割者的飞行刀片:地狱火R9X导弹_ …
2020年8月20日 · 文中使用的AGM-114-R9X是地狱火导弹的最新版本,它将原本用来穿甲或者爆破的装药战斗部换成了6个弹射式剑状刀片,旨在减少定点清除时所带来的附加伤害。 AGM-114-R9X导弹的特殊非爆炸性刀片战斗部的展开示意图. R9X导弹在使用上,和原版的地狱火导弹相同,在发现并锁定目标后发射即可。 R9X将使用激光精确制导到目标,并且展开刀片后砸向目标。 值得注意的是,这种基于现有导弹的改造,既免去了后勤维护的麻烦,也不必让前线士兵重新 …
美利坚定点清除新利爪,AGM-114R9X“飞行刀片” - 知乎
AGM-114 R9X“地狱火”空对地导弹:出鞘的凶器 - 中国军网
综合外媒报道,美军在袭击中使用了两枚agm-114 r9x“地狱火”空对地导弹和一枚普通导弹。 据介绍,AGM-114 R9X导弹不会产生爆炸,是通过弹体上弹出的锋利剃刀和导弹本身的高速冲击力“绞杀”目标,堪称是一种丧心病狂的暗杀武器。