AGi32 Interface - Procedure - Lighting Analysts
Icons that represent commands are in various locations on the interface and provide graphical accessibility to the AGi32 commands. The Model Toolkits may be docked left or right on the desktop or may float above the graphics window. They can also be disconnected to move to a secondary monitor.
Toolbars and Toolkits - Lighting Analysts
You can start a command by clicking on an icon in a Toolbar or Toolkit and then choosing options in a dialog box or by responding to the prompts displayed on the Command Line. To see more detailed information about a command, click on the hyperlink.
Displaying Toolkits-Concepts - Lighting Analysts
The AGi32 Model Toolkit, Statistics window, and Hints window can be moved across the desktop to other positions, and docked left or right. If the Hint toolkit is disabled (closed via X in upper …
AGI32照明设计界面入门 - 哔哩哔哩
AGI32的界面认识及基本操作流程, 视频播放量 463、弹幕量 0、点赞数 5、投硬币枚数 6、收藏人数 12、转发人数 1, 视频作者 用光点亮美好生活, 作者简介 照明设计——用光点亮美好生活。,相关视频:DIALUXevo照明设计,agi32球场照明,溶洞照明模拟,DIALUX4.13球场照明设计,灯具IES配光文件无痕修改 ...
AGi32 Overview – Industry Standard Lighting Software | Lighting …
What is AGi32? AGi32 is first and foremost, a calculation tool for accurate photometric predictions: A technical tool that can compute illuminance in any situation, assist in luminaire placement and aiming, and validate adherence to any number of lighting criterion.
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Throughout this material you will find the Forward and Back icons at the base of each topic. These are links to the next (or previous) step (or topic).
Create a Custom Luminaire Symbol in AGi32 - Lighting Analysts
2021年1月14日 · AGi32’s symbols library is by no means able to cover the variety of shapes encountered in today’s modern luminaire design market. However, you may not realize it is quite easy to create custom symbols within AGi32 to meet your needs. Let’s create an open rectangular symbol with luminous inside surfaces like those shown below.
Luminaire Symbols - agi32.com
The symbols are symbolic representations of the luminaire and are shown in Plan view. The symbol represents the luminaires when printing or exporting the job file as a DXF. PTB searches for all symbols with the extension .SYM (Model and Render Mode symbols from AGi32) and .NSM (Model Mode symbols from AGi32) when opening the Symbols dialog.
Menus from Control Toolbar Design Room Roadway Tools (current Estimator mode Optimizer shown)
Project Manager - Lighting Analysts
Once imported, CAD file visibility can be controlled in AGi32’s Project Manager. Open Project Manager by clicking on the toolbar button. In the Project Manager dialog click the Load checkbox for the imported project (shown below).