1471] Folder/Cover Image in File Folder Not Always Selected for ... - AIMP
2024年9月28日 · In those cases, AIMP for Android does not seem to find Folder.jpg and instead displays a default blank image. This happens both in the "Albums" section of "My Music" and also in the playlist that I create. If I rename the image from Folder.jpg to Folder1.jpg and then clear cache and restart AIMP and update content, the image is still not found.
All-in-one皮肤,可显示封面,大家懂的~~~~~【aimp吧】_百度 …
我先讲下歌曲文件封面、aimp、all-in-one皮肤的一些见解。 在歌曲文件中,有的有嵌入封面,有的没有,封面只是张电子格式JPG\BMP等的图片,大部分的音乐文件是没嵌入封面的。
Author Topic: Album Art Question (Read 2399 times) - AIMP
2021年9月13日 · Does anybody know if there's a way to force album art to the "folder.jpg" picture within the folder that the song originates from? As it stands, when I play a song that has a picture embedded within the .mp3, Aimp privileges the embedded jpg. If I remove the embedded jpg then Aimp defaults to the "folder.jpg" that I mentioned.
Updating Album Art on all Tracks - AIMP
2020年8月10日 · When I right click on the album and choose File Info, I click the artwork image, browse to my scanned cover artwork, and click Save. But it is only saving it for the first track on that album. I could click each track individually but this is not a …
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No cover shown for special ablums? - AIMP
2021年2月9日 · There is no cover shown when playing this album. Why do these lines not contain the jpgs in the "CD Artwork" folder to be shown as cover? Respectively what do I have to do to show one of the jpgs as cover in Aimp(?):
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