Air Jordan 8 复刻版和元年款典藏系列 -NIKE 中文官方网站
在拥有三个总冠军和MVP称号后,1993年发布的Air Jordan 8标志着MJ第一段职业生涯和球鞋系列的结束。 第八代共发布了三款元年配色鞋,大胆的交叉绑带搭配绒线鞋舌图案设计,使得AJ 8一举成为独具90年代特色的球鞋。
Air Jordan 8 retro & OG archive collection . Nike.com
Three OG colorways launched under this eighth iteration. A bold strapped-up design and chenille tongue graphic proved the Air Jordan 8 to be a distinctly ‘90s sneaker—one that is now synonymous with the era in which it was born.
Air Jordan 8 Sneakers - Flight Club
Designed by Tinker Hatfield and worn by Michael Jordan during the championship 1992-1993 NBA season, the Air Jordan 8 has become a cult favorite due to its unique construction and materials.
Buy and Sell Jordan 8 Sneakers - StockX
The Air Jordan 8, which emerged during Michael Jordan's dominant basketball career and the Chicago Bulls' championship era, was released in 1993. Its distinct design features, inspired by abstract art and fighter jets, reflected the era's bold aesthetics. You will be drawn to its iconic status, encapsulating '90s sports and streetwear culture.
Air Jordan 8 - 百度百科
乔丹8代为在乔丹第一次退役以前推出的最后一款鞋,因此而在乔丹系列中具有特殊意义。 1992-1993赛季乔丹平均每场比赛得32.6分,追平张伯伦连续7次获得得分王的纪录。
Air Jordan Collection - Nike.com
Featuring a bold, strapped-up design and a chenille tongue graphic, the Air Jordan VIII would prove to be a distinctly ’90s sneaker, now synonymous with the era in which it was born. Three colorful releases marked Air Jordan's eighth iteration. High wire act — this early sketch displays Tinker’s Air Raid strap concept.
購買和出售 Jordan 8 球鞋 - StockX
在 StockX 上瀏覽 Jordan 8 球鞋 並以市場價進行購買或出售,StockX 是通過 StockX 鑑定的 Jordan 球鞋 的即時交易平台 跳至主要內容 切換導航 StockX
Air Jordan 8 Retro 'Aqua' Release Date. Nike SNKRS
Air Jordan 8 Retro 'Aqua' Release Date. Nike SNKRS. The year was 1993. MJ was on the verge of yet another title and took to the mid-season battle of the stars to introduce his new Air Jordan VIII. Dressed in unique aqua tones and graphics, the look was unlike any Air Jordan before it.
Air Jordan 8 'Playoffs' (305381-062) 發售日期. Nike SNKRS
Air Jordan 8 經典傳承. 自從 Michael Jordan 射進致勝球,讓北卡羅萊納大學獲得全美冠軍之後,他已然成為籃球精神的最強領袖。1985 年,他穿著原版 Air Jordan I 縱橫球場,同時打破了聯盟規則和對手的意志,擄獲全球眾多球迷的心。
Air Jordan 8 VIII History | SneakerFiles
What the Air Jordan 8 did have going for it is: durabuck uppers, Air sole, Huarache inner sleeve and anti-inversion cross-straps (aka bunny ears). In 1993 the Original Air Jordan VIII released in three color ways. The Color schemes were White/Black-True Red, Black/Bright Concord-Aqua Tone and Black-Black-True Red. They sold for $125.00.