Raven - AJ Aircraft
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73" Raven-AJA RVN_073-00 - AJ Aircraft
Pros: I've owned the EF 78" Extra, EF Laser, 3dHS Edge and Skywing edge and this is the best performing plane of this size. It flies super light and has no bad tendencies or even wing rock. It flies more like my 100cc size planes as far as stability and performance.
Arjan Raven, PhD - Drexel University's LeBow College of Business
AJ Raven is an Associate Clinical Professor of Management Information Systems in the LeBow College of Business at Drexel University. In addition to 18 years of university experience he has spent five years in industry as the general manager and a member of the board of directors of Sica America, and as an IT/strategy consultant.
Aj Raven at Drexel University | Rate My Professors
Aj Raven is a professor in the Information Science department at Drexel University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
92" Raven - Generation 2 -AJA RVN_092-00-G2 - AJ Aircraft
Availability: Sold Out! And Don't Forget... The item you are trying to purchase is currently out of stock. Please enter your name, email, and phone number below. We will contact you as soon as this product is available. NOTE: This product is shipped in two separate boxes.
Arjan "AJ" Raven - Associate Clinical Professor at the LeBow
Associate Clinical Professor at the LeBow College of Business at Drexel University · Experienced IT/IS consultant who tackles organizational and technological business...
Exciting News from AJ Aircraft! - RC Groups
2024年4月10日 · Introducing the all-new 61” Raven! Get ready to soar to new heights with our latest addition to the AJ Aircraft family. With unparalleled performance and precision engineering, the 61” Raven is set to revolutionize your RC flying experience.
AJ Aircraft Raven 73" - FlyingGiants
2019年6月22日 · Anyone else excited about this 35cc version of the Raven?! Hope to have one later this fall. I am! I just ordered one! I’ve been wanting to try an AJ plane for awhile and …
Exciting News from AJ Aircraft! - FlyingGiants
2024年4月10日 · Introducing the all-new 61” Raven! Get ready to soar to new heights with our latest addition to the AJ Aircraft family. With unparalleled performance and precision engineering, the 61” Raven is set to revolutionize your RC flying experience.
AJ Raven - FlyingGiants
2020年4月10日 · Went from an ef 88 extra with a da50 on a pipe to an aj laser with a da70. It was a great choice. Sell the 61 and save up for the 70 for sure! I've got a 93" Laser with the DA70 …