Login-Tax Payer
Login to 'Iris' by entering your Registration No. which is your CNIC No. and Password which has been sent on your Cell No. and email address. OK
Income Tax – CBR, AJ&K - Azad Kashmir
The ATL is updated on every Monday on the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) website.
Active Taxpayer List (ATL) - FBR | Federal Board of Revenue
Check Individual’s Active Taxpayer status by SMS through the following procedure: Type "ATL (space) 13 digits Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)" and send to 9966. Type "ATL (space) 7 digits National Tax Number (NTN)" and send to 9966. Check AJ&K Active Taxpayer status by SMS through the following procedure:
IRIS 2.0
FBR Helpline. Timings 09:00 AM to 09:00 PM (Monday to Thursday) Timings 09:00 AM to 05:30 PM; National: 051 111 772 772; International: +92 51 111 772 772; Email: [email protected]
CBR, AJ&K – Let's Together, Building Kashmir!
Electronic Return Forms for Salaried persons, AOPs, Companies, Business individuals, etc., for Tax Year 2024. The Inland Revenue Department under the supervision of AJK CBR is playing an important role towards strengthening the State economy by exploring all revenue resources.
Download Active Taxpayer List (ATL) - Federal Board Of Revenue ... - FBR
The Active Tax Payer's List of AJK is to be considered at par with the ATL (Income Tax) after amendment in the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 through Finance Act 2018. Other means of checking your Active Taxpayer Status can be found on Check Active Taxpayer Status.
Tutorials – CBR, AJ&K - Azad Kashmir
2024年7月15日 · FBR has taken initiative for Government of AJK so that the taxpayers of AJK can get registered on Iris by selecting the option “Registration for Unregistered Person”. Please note that this online registration facility is available for individuals already registered with NADRA and possess a valid CNIC.
Checking Your AJK Active Taxpayer List (ATL) Status: A
2024年7月18日 · For residents of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), verifying your ATL status is easily achievable online. Here’s a concise guide to check your AJK ATL status from the convenience of your home: Visit the FBR Website: Begin by navigating to the official FBR website. The FBR provides an online verification portal specifically for ATL status checks.
What is Active Taxpayer List (ATL) in Pakistan/AJK
2024年7月18日 · The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) maintains a crucial database called the Active Taxpayer List (ATL). This article explains the different types of ATLs and their significance. Related Article: Checking Your AJK Active Taxpayer List (ATL) Status: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Check Your ATL Status for AJK Sales Tax? – TaxationPk™
2024年11月16日 · Checking your ATL status for AJK Sales Tax is a straightforward process using the FBR’s IRIS 2.0 portal. Make it a regular habit to ensure your compliance with tax laws and to enjoy the benefits of being an active taxpayer.