Saab 37 Viggen - Wikipedia
Several distinct variants of the Viggen would be produced to perform the roles of fighter bomber / strike fighter (AJ 37), aerial reconnaissance (SF 37), maritime patrol / anti-surface (SH 37) and …
SAAB 37 Viggen - AirVectors
Several different lines of Viggen development were envisioned: The "AJ 37" attack variant, with secondary air combat capability. The "SF 37" dedicated reconnaissance variant. The "SH 37" …
SAAB 37战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Saab 37 雷式戰鬥機 (瑞典 / 英语: Saab 37 Viggen) [Nb 1][1] ,是 瑞典 研製的單發單座戰鬥機,稱為Viggen,瑞典語中是「雷」的意思。 Saab 37在瑞典空軍中服役,配套的作戰系統被稱 …
SH 37 – Wikipedia
SH 37 eller SH 37 Viggen (Spaning, Havsövervakning) var ett medeltungt spanings-och havsövervakningsflygplan konstruerat av Saab AB på beställning av Försvarets materielverk …
AJS 37 & SK 37 E Viggen – Swedish Airforce Historic Flight - SwAFHF
The AJ 37 was optimized for surface attack and carry a large and varied weapons load on seven hard point under wings and fuselage. Maximum weapons load was an impressive 7 tons, …
Saab AJSH.37 Viggen ‘37918 / 57’ - Flickr
Saab AJSH.37 Viggen ‘37918 / 57’ c/n 37918. Built 1976. Served with F10 and F21 wings. Her last flight was in February 2006 when she arrived at RAF Cranwell on delivery to Newark. She …
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小国大战机(下)——敢于挑战“黑鸟”的萨博-37“雷” 2017-02-08
2021年9月26日 · ja-37在地面控制拦截(gci)的引导下爬升到8000米高度等待“黑鸟”的出现,当sr-71接近哥特兰岛时,ja-37就加速到1.35马赫,进入5度迎角的爬升向sr-71迎头飞去,然后爬升 …
Aerospaceweb.org | Aircraft Museum - AJ 37 Viggen
2012年3月17日 · The AJ 37 attack variant typically carried rocket pods or precision-guided anti-surface missiles like the Swedish RB05 or American Maverick. Related models included the …
2021年9月16日 · SH 37 Viggen, nr 37901, utställd på Avidrome Museum i Lelystad, Nederländerna. Den första olyckan med fpl 37 var egentligen inget haveri. Ff (KLF) omkom …
DCS AJS-37中文手册01 概述 - 哔哩哔哩
ajs-37“雷”是一种超音速单座攻击机,这架飞机在设计之初便被要求兼顾低空飞行性能,良好的加速性能以及优异的超音速性能。 这架飞机最引人注目的便是其STOL能力,它可以在很短的距离 …
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