AK-230 - Wikipedia
The AK-230 is a Soviet radar-controlled 30mm naval anti-aircraft autocannon. It is mounted in an enclosed automatic turret and directed by radar. The AK-230 is widely used, [1] mounted on large warships as well as small craft. About 1450 guns were produced in the USSR, and about 300 were produced in China as the Type 69.
AK-230艦炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AK-230 是俄國製全自動雙管 30 mm 海軍對空艦砲。 安裝在封閉式雷達導控的全自動炮塔內。 AK-230 在同級30 mm 海軍對空艦砲中是最受歡迎的,大、小型艦艇均適用。 俄國大約製造了1450 門,中國仿造了300 門,稱為69式。 1970年代後期由 AK-630 艦砲取代。 研發開始於1950年代,俄國嘗試發展一型能搭載於「Osa」級快速攻擊飛彈快艇與「Shersha」級魚雷艇上的快速火炮。 AK-230於1969年正式開始服役。 AK-230是由兩門NN-30 30 mm 水冷四膛 轉輪快炮 安裝在封 …
AK-230舰炮 - 百度百科
AK-230 是俄国制全自动双管 30 mm 海军对空舰炮。 安装在封闭式雷达导控的全自动炮塔内。 AK-230 在同级30 mm 海军对空舰炮中是最受欢迎的,大、小型舰艇均适用。 俄国大约制造了1450 门,中国仿造了300 门,称为69式。 1970年代后期由AK-630舰炮取代。 研发开始于1950年代,俄国尝试发展一型能搭载于“Osa”级快速攻击飞弹快艇与“Shersha”级鱼雷艇上的快速火炮。 AK-230于1969年正式开始服役。 AK-230是由两门NN-30 30 mm 水冷四膛转轮快炮安装在封闭式钢质 …
Russia / USSR 30 mm/63 (1.2") AK-230 - NavWeaps
30 mm/63 AK-230 on Yugoslavian Kotor class Frigate. Picture courtesy of Yugoslavian military magazine "Novi Glasnik". A close-in defensive weapon. Widely used on Soviet ships of the 1960s through the 1980s and exported to many Eastern Bloc countries and to India. Produced in the PRC under the designation Type 69.
AK-230 | Military Wiki | Fandom
AK-230 is a Soviet fully automatic naval twin 30 mm gun. Its primary function is anti-aircraft. It is mounted in an enclosed automatic turret and directed by radar.
AK-230 - Wikiwand
The AK-230 is a Soviet fully automatic naval twin 30 mm gun. Its primary function is anti-aircraft. It is mounted in an enclosed automatic turret and directed by radar. The AK-230 is widely used, mounted on large warships as well as small craft. About 1450 guns were produced in the USSR, and about 300 were produced in China as the Type 69.
Soviet AK-230 twin 30mm anti-aircraft gun - iNEWS - 資訊咖
2025年3月7日 · The AK-230 is controlled by the Drum Tilt or Muff Cobb radar fire control system. It is a 4-chamber revolver gun with a liquid-cooled barrel; it has 2 stable-mounted NN-30 barrels with 12 grooves on the barrel.
AK-230 - Self-sufficiency
AK-230 is a Soviet fully automatic naval twin 30 mm gun. Its primary function is anti-aircraft. It is mounted in an enclosed automatic turret and directed by radar. AK-230 is probably the most popular gun of its class in the world [citation needed], …
Soviet AK-230 twin 30mm anti-aircraft gun - iNEWS - 資訊咖
The AK-230 is a close-in anti-aircraft gun equipped on many naval ships in the Soviet Union from the 1960s to the 1980s. It was exported to Warsaw Pact and India. China also developed the Type 69 30mm anti-aircraft gun with reference to the technology of this series of weapons, but it can only fire high-explosive shells. .
Overview — AK-230 CIWS — Naval Guns - Military Periscope
The AK-230 is a Russian-designed naval close-in weapons system (CIWS). The gun is a water-cooled, fully automatic, close-in defense weapon that was introduced in the Russian navy around 1960. The stabilized, enclosed mount is fitted with two 30-mm, belt-fed revolving cannons.