AK400 DIGITAL - DeepCool
An all-black variant of our highly compatible AK400 CPU cooler featuring a direct touch, four heat pipe tower layout with a unique black matrix fin design and a high-performance FDB fan that delivers excellent heat dissipation and extremely low noise levels.
AK-400 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The AK-400 is essentially a very heavily modernized AK-74, with new additions such as a folding and telescoping buttstock, Picatinny rails, a redesigned pistol grip which houses the cleaning kit, a redesigned trigger, a two-position gas regulator and a short-stroke gas piston which pushes on a fairly standard AK-patterned bolt among other things.
AK400 - DeepCool
The DeepCool AK400 is a highly compatible CPU cooler featuring a four heat pipe tower layout with a unique matrix fin design and a high-performance FDB fan that delivers excellent heat dissipation and extremely low noise levels.
AK-400: Spetsnaz To Be Equipped with New Assault Rifle
The AK-400 is a new Russian-made assault rifle offered exclusively to the Presidential Security Service and the FSB. The famous Russian company Kalashnikov is behind this new assault rifle developed solely for use in FSB’s Spetsnaz units.
AK-12突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AK-12 (俄语: Автомат Калашникова,簡稱: АК-12,意為:卡拉什尼科夫2012年自動步槍;前稱:AK-400)是一系列由 俄罗斯 卡拉什尼科夫集團 (俄语: Концерн „Калашников“, 俄语罗马化:Kontsern Kalashnikova,英語: Kalashnikov Concern;前稱:伊茨 ...
AK-400突击步枪是一种由卡拉什尼科夫公司(Kalashnikov Concern)设计和制造的俄罗斯原型突击步枪。 其设计年代为2016年,主要设计师包括米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫和谢尔盖·乌尔日姆采夫。
Jun 27, 2018 · AK-400配备了一个四位置火力模式选择器,该功能以前仅作为AK100系列的一个选件提供:全动(A),三发爆发(3),半动(1)和安全(П)。 用于5.45x39mm和7.62x39mm变体的盒装弹匣与AK / AKM和AK74系列中的标准弯曲30轮机型相同。
価格.com - DEEPCOOL AK400 R-AK400-BKNNMN-G-1 価格比較
2 days ago · 最大220WのTDPに対応する空冷サイドフロー型CPUクーラー。 冷却フィンを高密度に配置した独自の「マトリックスフィンデザイン」のヒートシンクを採用。 高さ155mmの設計により、しっかりとクリアランスを確保できる。 フラットなトップカバーデザインにより、さまざまなケースやシステムにフィット。 金属製のマウントブラケットキットを使用して、簡単に取り付けることができる。 本ページでは掲載するECサイトやメーカー等から購入実績など …
AK 400 Series - Kalashnikov Pre-Production Prototype - YouTube
May 2, 2016 · While in Russia, Larry got a first look at pre-production prototype from Kalashnikov, the Ak 400 Series. Subscribe Here https://bit.ly/3qPWDw2...more
AK400 DIGITAL PRO - DeepCool
The AK DIGITAL air coolers have gone pro with their newest iteration. The AK400 DIGITAL PRO has been upgraded in many aspects, including a multi-data point screen, visual color temperature warnings, and CTT 2.0 heatpipe technology. A very worthy step up in not just aesthetics but cooling performance.