Automatkarbin 4 - Wikipedia
The Automatkarbin 4 (Ak 4; lit. ' Automatic Carbine 4 ' ) is a license-built Swedish version of the West German Heckler & Koch G3 battle rifle. It was adopted as the service rifle of the Swedish Armed Forces in 1965, replacing the bolt-action m/96 Mauser , the self-loading automatgevär m/42 and the automatic rifles Kulsprutegevär m/21 ...
Ak 4自動步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
瑞典國防軍的Ak 4有三種型號,包括: Ak 4:標準型,與G3A3相同(固定 槍托)。 Ak 4 B:裝有 Aimpoint (英语:Aimpoint AB) 紅點瞄準鏡、移除機械照門、提高射速、加強全槍表面處理以提高耐用牲。 Ak 4 OR:標準型Ak 4加裝Hensoldt 4x24 瞄準鏡 (重0.65公斤) [1]。 所有型號的Ak 4皆可裝上柯爾特 M203 及 HK79 榴彈發射器。 ^ Heckler & Koch G3. [2007-10-15]. (原始内容 存档 于2006-06-21).
Heckler & Koch G3 - Wikipedia
Ak 4D: An updated version of the Ak 4B with the adjustable-length stock of the Ak 4C but with the addition of a modular handguard (also designed and manufactured by the Swedish company Spuhr i Dalby AB) and the Hensoldt 4×24 telescopic sight of the Ak 4OR in a Picatinny mount. The Ak 4D will be used by the Swedish Army as a stop-gap DMR.
Ak 4自动步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ak 4 (Automatkarbin 4)是 瑞典 军队在1965年至1985年的制式步枪,在1985年被 Ak 5突击步枪 取代。 Ak 4与 黑克勒-科赫 HK G3 相同,由 瑞典 本土工厂特许生产并装备 瑞典国防军,取代常当时的 m/45冲锋枪 、 AG m/42B半自动步枪 及 m/37自动步枪,瑞典军方把他们的 HK G3 命名为 Automatkarbin 4 (简称Ak 4),中文解为“4号自动步枪”。
G3 Models - Thinline Weapons Wiki
2022年1月27日 · Ak 4D - An updated version of the Ak 4B with the adjustable-length stock of the Ak 4C but with the addition of a modular handguard (also designed and manufactured by the Swedish company Spuhr i Dalby AB) and the Hensoldt 4×24 telescopic sight of the Ak 4OR in a Picatinny mount. The Ak 4D will be used by the Swedish Army as a stop-gap DMR. Iran
Ak4 - 百度百科
Ak 4(Automatkarbin 4)是瑞典军队在1965年至1985年的制式步枪,在1985年被Ak 5取代。 Ak 4与黑克勒-科赫HK G3相同,由瑞典本土工厂特许生产并装备瑞典国防军,取代常当时的m/45冲锋枪、AG m/42B半自动步枪及m/37自动步枪,瑞典军方把他们的HK G3命名为Automatkarbin 4(简 …
AK4D [Modernized G3] 650yds: Practical Accuracy (Feat. Karl - YouTube
The AK4 (Automatkarbin 4) is a 1:1 copy of the German H&K G3 with a longer stock. The AK4D, however, is the last iteration of the modernized version of the AK4 / G3 system that Sweden uses.
Ak 4 - FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The Automatkarbin 4, abbreviated commonly to Ak 4 or Ak 4A, also known under the designation of fm/1964, is a Swedish battle rifle developed throughout the early 1960s, as a result of the adoption of the Heckler & Koch G3A3. In the early 1960s, the Försvarsmakten, the governing agency over the...
Ak 4 rifle | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Ak 4 (Swedish: Automatkarbin 4) is a Swedish-made version of the Heckler & Koch G3A3 battle rifle. It has been produced in several versions, with minor changes and upgrades. The original Ak 4 model (Ak 4A) featured a buttstock that is 20 mm (0.79 in) longer. The bolt carrier had a serrated...
Ak 4D: An updated version of the Ak 4B with the adjustable-length stock of the Ak 4C but with the addition of a modular handguard (also designed and manufactured by the Swedish company Spuhr i Dalby AB) and the Hensoldt 4×24 telescopic sight of the Ak 4OR in a Picatinny mount. The Ak 4D will be used by the Swedish Army as a stop-gap DMR.