Compare Type III bolt carrier to AKM carrier | AK Rifles
2008年2月21日 · I took a photo to illustrate what I consider the "classic" differences between the Type 3 AK-47 bolt and carrier and an AKM type. The AK-47 parts (at the top) are Hungarian and the AKM (AIM) is Romanian. I'm generalizing a bit, and these differences don't hold true for oddballs like Yugos and ChiCom. On the carrier, besides minor contour ...
Bft47 bolt carrier upgrade | AK Rifles
2024年11月26日 · Unless I am completely mistaken, any 47 surplus carrier should work. The WBP forged carrier should work as well. I have a C39V2 that started life a s barreled receiver only, and I picked up a Polish surplus carrier. No issues. I agree keep an eye on it.
Bolt Carrier Hangs Up - AK Rifles
2007年6月23日 · I have a Lancaster AK that has about 180 rounds through it so far. The bolt carrier seems to stick when it's pulled all the way to the rear. I can let go of the charging handle and it just sits there. If I apply a little pressure to it, it will ride home normally. It also feels like the bolt is coming into pretty hard contact with the hammer.
Scratched bolt carrier - AK Rifles
2009年2月13日 · I have a milled Hungarian ak that has some good scratches on the right side of the bolt carrier because there was a piece of sharp metal protruding from the inside of the rear site base. That piece of protruding metal has since been fixed, but the bolt carrier still has the scratches. So here are my questions: 1.
Russian AKM bolt carrier differences - AK Rifles
2010年9月11日 · Having said that, I present to you three bolt carriers for comparison. All three are the earlier, pre 1975 style as profiled before on a different post. The bottom carrier is my control carrier, it's for sure a Tula made one as I have the matching numbered trunnion to it (it's a PLO one) but the middle one and top one came in the recent Tula kits.
Suitable replacement bolt for C39V2 - AK Rifles
2016年2月28日 · I have a C39V2 and decided to buy a replacement bolt and carrier. I was able to find a brand new Radom Polish bolt carrier on Gunbroker, but am having a hard time finding a bolt. I feel my best bet is to buy a new bolt, which will likely have a better chance of headspacing correctly, versus a used one which might end up being too worn.
Bolt Carrier Interchangablility | AK Rifles
2011年9月16日 · Thanks for the link. Because I'm interested in using a bolt and carrier from a 47 I don't know if the dimensions shown mean anything to me regarding using them in a stamped AKM receiver. So am I correct in assuming I can use …
Century 39 v1 ~2010-2011 Production Catastrophic Failure HELP
2016年7月10日 · If your bolt looks good (not mushrooming at all) with normal wear, then just upgrade to the 1960 polish milled bolt carrier and use that c39 bolt with it. Upgrade the recoil spring guide rod to the early milled telescopic as well. I would get some go and no go gauges to keep an eye on bolt head space regardless!
Bolt carrier comes out of receiver at end of travel | AK Rifles
2021年5月31日 · Observe the action of the carrier tail and the recoil spring guide by charging the weapon. This mating is what holds the carrier in the rails on an assembled AK at the rear of the travel. If the carrier jumps the rail., remove the spring guide and fold some paper to insert in the slot in the spring guide on the underside. Just a couple of folds.
Bolt carrier/ bolt reference dimensions - AK Rifles
2009年8月26日 · This is the diameter of the bolt stem (or shank if you like) that fits into the bolt carrier. (3) BC TUN. DIA This is the diameter of the hole (or tunnel ) in the carrier that the bolt stem fits into. (4) BC OAL This is the overall length of the bolt carrier and gas piston measured from the gas piston face to the rearmost tip of the bolt carrier