AK-15/AK-15K 突击步枪 - 枪炮世界
卡拉什尼科夫突击步枪AK-15(GRAU代码6P71)其实在2016年型的AK-12的基础上发展而来的7.62mm口径型。AK-15突击步枪的设计是用于特种部队的轻武器,因为俄国制式步枪 …
AK-15 - Kalashnikov Group
The 7.62 mm AK-15 is an assault rifle used by the special operations units of the Russian military and other law enforcement agencies. The AK-15 is part of the Ratnik equipment kit. This …
步枪科普:AK-15 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年9月22日 · AK -15(GRAU索引:6P71)是俄罗斯2010年代开发的突击步枪。 突击步枪的开发与AK-12并驾齐驱,但 AK-15 的弹匣尺寸为7,62x39mm,而不是5,45x39mm。 2020 …
AK-15K - Kalashnikov Group
Specifications, description and photo of the Kalashnikov AK-15K rifle, a shortened variant of the AK-15 chambered in 7.62x39, with improved technical, ergonomic and operational performance.
AK-15: The Russian Assault Rifle That Traces Its Origins Back to the AK …
2023年12月5日 · The AK-15 is a gas-operated, selective-firing rifle that, overall, appears to follow the typical Kalashnikov Concern design, with just a few tweaks to the magazine well, the gas …
争论几十年了,聊一聊AK和AR这两把枪到底谁好的问题? - 知乎
2023年4月15日 · 从ak诞生起,苏联那些设计师就在研究如何给ak增加精度,最后发现最好的办法就是增加两脚架。 AK的硬伤上面,主要就是精度问题,即便是改用小口径的AK74,精度也是 …
AR-15, AR-10, AK47 Rifles for Sale | Shop Firearms - GrabAGun
From the AR 15 to the AR10,or AK47, GrabAGun has a huge catalog of gun deals to fit your needs and budget. You will find a huge selection of AR-15 rifles for sale featuring brands like …
What is the difference between AK-47 and AR-15? - TheGunZone
2024年12月8日 · The AK-47 and the AR-15 are arguably the two most recognizable and widely used rifles in the world. While both are classified as assault rifles (though this term is often …
AK-15 - 火器百科
7.62毫米卡拉什尼科夫突击步枪ak-15(grau代号 6p71)是“ak-12 2016年型”使用7.62×39毫米m43弹药的变种。 AK-15突击步枪被设计作为特种部队用的轻武器,并取代前一代的7.62毫米 …
ar15.com - Your Firearm Resource. (AR-15, AR-10, M4, M16, AK …
Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.