世界第一661蓝顶AK是怎么炼出来的? - 网易BUFF游戏 ...
最近国内的玩家“克劳福德”就成功追梦炼出了崭新661淬火AK,而且也是全球仅存的几把崭新661里面磨损最低的一把。 在去年9月份时,在BUFF平台曾以16.6万的价格成交过一把四连全 …
$1 Million ST FN 661 AK Blue Gem Discovered after 10 years!
2024年1月16日 · In a groundbreaking revelation, the CS2 gaming community is abuzz with the emergence of the AK-47 Case Hardened StatTrak Factory New 661 Blue Gem skin, valued at …
饰品杂谈:崭新暗金661AK出世引全球饰品玩家热议_网易BUFF饰 …
2024年1月16日 · 因为大多数“熟练”的“炼金术师”都会在炼金之前计算预期产物磨损值,若只是为了“暗金崭新661”这一名号的话,大可以将磨损值卡在0.059左右来降低炼金试错成本,同时依旧 …
AK-47 | 表面淬火 (崭新出厂)_CS2饰品交易_网易BUFF
网易buff饰品交易平台,为全球玩家提供专业安全的cs2饰品交易服务,买cs2饰品就上网易buff, ak-47 | 表面淬火 (崭新出厂) ,军火交易收藏品,崭新出厂,普通,ak-47,步枪,保密,步枪,ak-47,表面淬火武 …
Most Expensive CSGO Skin Ever Sold: AK-47 Blue Gem #661 (FN)
2024年9月2日 · The most expensive CS:GO skin ever sold is the AK-47 | Case Hardened with the pattern #661, rating it as the ultimate AK-47 blue gem in existence. A private collector bought it …
最贵的CS2皮肤饰品是什么!为什么?谁持有? - ETSKINS
2024年2月9日 · 在2021年,一把略有磨损的ak-47 | 表面淬火 #661,搭载四个全息贴纸泰坦,以53万美元的价格售出。 是的,这把皮肤上还没有贴纸,但浮动更高,而且价格在两年半内也 …
AK-47 Seed Pattern 661 - CS2 Blue Gem
AK-47 Case Hardened Seed 661 is the ultimate AK-47 Blue Gem. It is commonly considered the #1 pattern and it is known as the best “scar pattern”. Rumors say that you need to sell your …
CS2 skin worth around $1 million finally discovered after 10 years: AK …
2024年1月15日 · An ultra-rare, never-before-seen AK-47 Case Hardened skin in Counter-Strike has finally been discovered, after over 10 years of never being in existence. The exact skin is …
Million Dollar CS2 661 Pattern AK-47 Case Hardened Skin Surfaces
2024年1月16日 · Now, a unique StatTrak edition AK-47 Case Hardened gun skin with a rare ‘661 pattern‘ has been spotted on Buff.163.com, a China-based P2P trading platform for CS2 …
Most Expensive CS2 Skin! Why So Expensive and Who Got It?
2024年1月16日 · Currently, there is speculation that this StatTrak AK-47 Case Hardened #661 Factory New is the most expensive skin in Counter-Strike. Famous people and renown traders …
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