Chest Rigs - Tactical Gear - Military Surplus - APEX Gun Parts
"VOLK" AK-47 / AK-74 Chest Rig, APEX Exclusive Two-Tone Russian Gorka *New* by Parashooter Gear
First Pattern Lifchik | Equipment Wiki | Fandom
The 1st pattern lifchik chest rig is made of canvas. It has three main pockets which can hold up to six (two per pocket) AK-74 magazines. There are also four secondary pockets which can hold up to four F1 or RGD-5 grenades.
卡拉什尼科夫自動步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ak-74突擊步槍是akm的5.45×39毫米小口徑改進型,是前蘇聯裝備的第一種小口徑步槍,也是世界上大規模裝備部隊的第二種小口徑步槍(第一種是美國的m16),首次露面是在1974年11月7日的莫斯科紅場閱兵儀式上。在1980年代是前蘇聯軍隊制式裝備,很多國家也特許生 ...
AK-74 - Wikipedia
The AK-74 (Russian: Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года, tr. Avtomat Kalashnikova obraztsa 1974 goda, lit. 'Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1974') is an assault rifle designed by small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1974 as a successor to the AKM.
Blackhawk Chest Rig for AK47 Magazines - GunMag Warehouse
Specifically engineered for AK-47 target shooters and tactical enthusiasts, the Blackhawk® Chest Rig for AK-47 Magazines is a lightweight tactical rig, designed to comfortably and reliably carry up to 4 fully loaded AK-47 30-round magazines for speedy reloads and consistent field performance you can truly depend on.
AKS-74U卡宾枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AKS-74U在1970年代後期裝備蘇聯軍隊,為 AKS-74 的 卡賓槍 版本,其整體尺寸及有效射程與 衝鋒槍 相似。 AKS-74U亦是 AK-74 的獨立變种版本,同様發射 5.45×39毫米(M74) 彈,但它的 槍口 消焰器 較為不同,消焰器尾部為喇叭形,以降低射擊時的 後座力,亦可卡在鐵絲上,以子彈發射時的威力衝斷 鐵絲。 該槍主要由 圖拉兵工廠 生產,伊熱夫斯克機器製造廠僅於1980年代生產過一小批AKS-74U。 AKS-74U主要裝備 特种部队 、空降部队、工兵、通信兵、炮兵、车辆驾 …
AK-74突擊步槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
AK-74 (俄語: Автомат Калашникова образца 1974 года,卡拉希尼柯夫自動步槍1974年型)是 蘇聯 在1970年代開始生產及裝備的 5.45×39公釐 小口徑 突擊步槍,直至現在仍然是許多前蘇聯成員國的制式步槍。 AK-74是 前蘇聯 裝備的第一種小口徑突擊步槍,也是世界上大規模裝備部隊的第二種小口徑步槍(第一種是 美國 的 5.56公釐 M16),首次露面於1974年11月7日的 莫斯科 紅場 閱兵儀式當中,從1980年代到 蘇聯解體 前是蘇聯軍隊的制式裝備。 AK-74參與的首場戰 …
The History of the Chest Rig - The Mag Life - GunMag Warehouse
2023年5月11日 · The Soviets were inspired by the ChiComs to create a chest rig. These rigs often carried six AK-74 magazines, a few grenades, and various other small pieces of equipment. They used flaps to cover the mags and big shoulder straps to carry all that weight. They called it the Lifchik. The Brits and the Arktis 42 Chest Rig
Vism AK Chest Rig Tan - MidwayUSA
The Vism AK Chest Rig includes three double AK Magazine pouches, with hook and loop fasteners and bungee cord retention straps, to carry up to six 30 round magazines. Also features two large utility pouches on each side of the chest rig with quick connect buckle flaps for storing additional ammo and gear.
The Texas Weapon Systems’ Gen 3 Dog Leg Scope Rail fits most AK pattern rifles, including stamped and milled receivers, as well as fixed, under-folding and side-folding stocks. The adjustable front tab allows custom fitting to the user's individual weapon. Drop-in installation; Completely replaces factory dust cover and rear sight leaf