AK400 DIGITAL - DeepCool
Everything you loved about the AK400 ZERO DARK, but with a sleek low-profile status display and ARGB LED strips. The crystal-clear digital screen displays the temperature and usage of …
冰立方400 AK400 - DeepCool
DeepCool冰立方400现已重磅升级,作为一款具有超强兼容性的CPU散热器,全新的家族化外观设计,配合全新的CTT 2.0并管方案,可提供更出色的散热效能。 DeepCool 冰立方400 是一款 …
DeepCool AK400 评测 - 散热器 - Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验
2022年3月20日 · DeepCool AK400 评测,在百元级风冷的市场上,你一定曾听说过九州风神玄冰400的大名,以其出色的性价比以及优秀的性能表现,在入门级四热管里可谓是经久不衰.今天九 …
2022年3月4日 · 正好入手了一款百元级的单塔风冷,今天就搭配可超频的12代酷睿i5-12600KF装机实测分享给大家。 配置明细:Intel i5-12600KF、微星MSI Z690 CARBON WiFi 暗黑主板、 …
Cooler Processador DeepCool AK400, 120mm, Intel-AMD
O DeepCool AK400 é um refrigerador de CPU altamente compatível, com uma disposição clássica de quatro torres de tubos de calor com um desenho único de aletas matriciais e uma …
- 评论数: 168
AK400 - DeepCool
The DeepCool AK400 is a highly compatible CPU cooler featuring a four heat pipe tower layout with a unique matrix fin design and a high-performance FDB fan that delivers excellent heat …
DeepCool AK400 Review - TechPowerUp
2022年7月20日 · The DeepCool AK400 may be a classic four-heat-pipe tower cooler, but traditional design aside, it is a compelling entry-level option. Its price-to-performance ratio is …
四热管散热守门员?九州风神冰立方400横评体验 - 原创分享(新)
2022年4月10日 · 冰立方400是一款标准的单塔散热器,45mm标准厚度的塔体加155mm的高度,这基本就是目前市面上最均衡的标准单塔散热器规格,既不容易出现内存与机箱的兼容性问 …
不挡内存的九州风神冰立方AK400 可能是百元级风冷CPU散热器的 …
在百元级价格区间的塔式散热器,九州风神冰立方ak400提供了同级别的越级工艺和设计: 顶盖利于MOD改造。 新一代散热器均为九州风神自研热管,铜热管采用镀镍工艺。
AK Series - Deepcool
ak series / ak400 The AK series CPU Coolers focus on performance and noise level, featuring a layout with a unique matrix fin design, unlocking higher overlocking potential and enhanced …