AK-50 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The AK-50 is an anti-materiel rifle chambered in .50 BMG. It is an AK derivative manufactured by American firearms manufacturer and YouTuber Brandon Herrera and co. as part of The AK Guy LTD in Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States.
【翻译】AK-50步枪介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
AK-50是一款使用.50BMG弹药的反器材步枪。 它是美国枪械制造商兼Youtuber布兰登•赫雷拉与其公司研发的一种AK衍生型号,是其位于北卡罗来纳州费耶特维尔的AK Guy有限公司的主打产品之一。 历史. 2019年年中,布兰登创立了“黄铜谷计划”(Brass Valley Initiative),该计划旨在吸引年轻有抱负,却因为年龄和缺乏经验而遭到拒绝的枪械设计师,把他们分成两组,让他们相互竞争并拿出解决AK-50的闭锁榫问题的方案。 最终,两组设计师拿出了相同的解决方案,而这方案和 …
A Preview Of The AK-50 - Herrera's Revolution In Russian Guns
2016年2月18日 · At its heart, the AK-50 still retains the merits of the classic Kalashnikov design. And the most important part of the AK, its operating system, is employed in the AK-50. It features the rock-solid, long-stroke piston operating system that has kept AKs running the world round in the worst of conditions.
Brandon Herrera's AK-50 Is Finally Complete, And It Was Well …
2024年12月4日 · After years of development, the AK-50, a groundbreaking firearm project spearheaded by Brandon Herrera, has finally reached its finished form. This .50 BMG AK-platform rifle, dubbed the “AK-50,” blends the durability of the …
The 50 BMG AK Project As Told By Brandon, The AK Guy
2020年11月18日 · Brandon Herrera started The AK Guy several years ago and embarked upon a crazy idea, that of making a .50 BMG Kalashnikov rifle. The AK50 is still yet to come to fruition but what is really fascinating is the journey that Brandon took and all the trials and errors that happened along the way.
Brandon Herrera's Finished AK-50! - GunsAmerica.com
2024年8月1日 · Brandon Herrera, aka the founder of The AK Guy Inc., debuted the latest version of his long-anticipated AK-50! After years of hard work and numerous trials, Herrera’s custom …
An AK in .50 BMG: Introducing The AK-50 (Project AKG)
2015年12月10日 · It still utilizes the basic long piston design of the a standard AK, and it will accept standard AK furniture, including the stock and pistol grip. It was even mentioned that it …
AK家族最强大的AK-50了解一下,完爆巴雷特? - 百家号
2018年6月12日 · 这款AK-50,并不代表它是在1950年设计定型的,而是表示它是点50口径! 没错,它使用的是M2重机枪(老干妈)上的12.7mm弹药,而著名的巴雷特M82反器材狙击枪也是使用这种型号的子弹。 巴雷特M82A3 反器材狙击枪. “百年老干妈”M2重机枪. 这款武器的亮点是,将很多枪迷的最爱:AK步枪与点50两种东西结合到了一起。 这款枪采用了AK的外形和内部结构,然后又加入了M2老干妈的弹药,两种经典合二为一,是一种十分新颖的想法。 除了弹匣和制退器 …
Brandon Herrera, The AK-50 Saga | thefirearmblog.com
2024年8月28日 · For the uninitiated, the AK-50 is based on the iconic AK-47 rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov, however, here in America, we tend to go big or go home, and don’t they say everything's bigger in Texas? True to this philosophy, Brandon designed and manufactured the AK-50 to chamber the .50 BMG. Why? Because he felt like it.
AK-50 - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki
The AK-50 is a prototype Kalashnikov anti-materiel rifle created by The AK Guy Inc. The first example was revealed to the public in 2016 and the weapon has been in active development since. The rifle's design faced several problems in its earliest stages.