Ultimate Weapon Guide : AK74U : r/blackopscoldwar - Reddit
2020年12月4日 · Even beyond the first radius of its effective damage range which is 7.62m, AK74U's TTK is faster than some ARs'.That being said, a couple of downsides are that its TTK drops off dramatically beyond the second radius of the effective range and its headshot efficiency is terrible. 4. Recoil. AK74U has the worst feeling recoil for an SMG in this game.
Sight on ak74u : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
2017年8月8日 · Loud and clear! I've been playing it very safe recently. Found my first AK74U and I know I'm not any hotshot because of it, but I'm still worried about taking it out with me. I have three or four sidearms and three shotguns so I'll keep just chugging along and staying out of people's way while trying to get some somewhat decent loot.
AK74 - 5.45 Stronk - Reddit
Hi folks, I’m planning on picking up a polish 5.56 AK in the next few weeks… the only issue is I want 2 of them, I think a beryl would be really nice but I would feel a little bad chopping the barrel and putting a TWS rail on it (since I could just get the Beryl 1913 optic rail), so I’m thinking about the WBP jack 5.56 due to aftermarket capability (and morality lol), if you had to ...
AKS-74U vs AKS-74UN : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
2022年8月22日 · AKS-74UN has a dovetail mount, thats the only significant difference. 5.45 ammo in general is subpar to the 7.62x39 or 7.62x51 in a straight comparison.
Ak74u : r/airsoft - Reddit
2022年12月10日 · Ak74u What would be the best ak74u for a metro exodus kinda build I'm thinking cyma but they cost alot for what they actually are and there's some alot cheaper options Archived post.
Questions About WE AK74U : r/GasBlowBack - Reddit
2023年7月7日 · I’ve been wanting to get a GBBR Ak platform, and I’m leaning towards purchasing the WE AK74U mainly due to it having the full travel bolt. There are a few things about the platform that I wanted to get clarification on before buying it. First, I’ve heard that the trigger box internals aren’t the best and would eventually need to be ...
How to remove an e&l ak74u flash hider? : r/airsoft - Reddit
2023年3月28日 · The pin stays, I have essential el ak74u and I mounted different kinds of muzzle attachments on it with or without the thread adapter, pin stayed as it is or got pushed in depends on the size of the attachment.
How to add a suppressor to the AK74u? : r/EscapefromTarkov
The only suppressor that works for all the AK's is the TGP-A you can buy from Prapor. There is a Hexagon suppressor that only works on the 74N and certain small AKS' IIRC.
Gun Demo: Ak74u at long range. (comparison to the FFAR)
2021年4月4日 · Sidenote: The ak74u would have most likely missed almost all of the shots in the video if it weren't for an attachment that isn't really used on smgs. The FFAR still wouldve hit the shots without that attachment.
Ak74u nerf possibly? : r/blackopscoldwar - Reddit
2021年2月26日 · Is it just me or is the 74u the best gun in the game? I can't enjoy this new update or new weapons because I just get smacked by the 74u over and…