AKG C3000B - Sound On Sound
In terms of specifications, the mic has a good sensitivity of 25mV/Pa and its electrical impedance is 200 (omega). The high-pass filter has a cut-off frequency of 75Hz to compensate for proximity effect and the equivalent input noise is a respectable 25dB unweighted (14dB A-wtd).
Tailored for the modern studio, the C 3000 B has the typical AKG large diaphragm “signature contour,” a slight dip at 2.5 kHz followed by a rise at 5 - 6 kHz and 9 - 11 kHz. Its cardioid pickup pattern is extremely well controlled, providing excellent off-axis rejection across the entire frequency band.
C3000 | High-performance large-diaphragm condenser microphone - AKG
The C3000 high-performance, large-diaphragm condenser microphone has been a standard for live applications and studio recording for almost two decades. It is an excellent choice for vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, drum overhead and brass instrument miking.
AKG Acoustics C 3000 B | RecordingHacks.com
AKG Acoustics C 3000 B Cardioid Condenser Microphone. The C 3000 B is a second-generation “C 3000” condenser microphone. The original C 3000 was released in 1993. It was black in color and had two separate capsules — cardioid and hypercardioid, both externally biased or “true” condenser designs.
AKG C 3000 B - Sweetwater
The smooth, clear and open sound of AKG Acoustics' C 3000 B has made it one of the world's most popular studio microphones. The C 3000 B was designed as a studio and stage microphone to be used for both vocal and instrumental recording applications in …
AKG - C3000B - midifan:我们关注电脑音乐
C3000 B是革命性的演播室级音质的话筒,为你带来完美纯正的声音。 而且价格合理。 由于制造技术的突破,AKG研制出了革命性的新膜片,把大震膜和微型换能器技术有机的结合起来,因此能够向你提供世界流行的AKG话筒的声音。 C3000的镀金膜片采用了大震膜技术,因此可以克服声音发闷的缺点,你得到的是具有完美清晰的、突出个性的、有温暖感的、演播室级音的声音。 C3000的内部采用了弹性悬挂技术,能有效地减少对于外部减震装置的依赖。 它还采用了内层防风罩 …
AKG C 3000 B 大振膜电容话筒 - 乐城仕
C3000 B是革命性的演播室级音质的话筒,为你带来完美纯正的声音。 而且价格合理。 由于制造技术的突破,AKG研制出了革命性的新膜片,把大震膜和微型换能器技术有机的结合起来,因此能够向你提供世界流行的AKG话筒的声音。 C3000的镀金膜片采用了大震膜技术,因此可以克服声音发闷的缺点,你得到的是具有完美清晰的、突出个性的、有温暖感的、演播室级音的声音。 另外C3000使用了欧式造型的外壳,特别结实耐用,无论是工作室内还是在舞台上,它都可以长期 …
【AKG c-3000b】报价_参数_图片_论坛_AKG c-3000b音频及会议 …
2009年10月23日 · 中关村在线为您提供AKG c-3000b音频及会议系统最新报价,同时包括AKG c-3000b图片、AKG c-3000b参数、AKG c-3000b评测行情、AKG c-3000b论坛、AKG c-3000b点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买AKG c-3000b音频及会议系统提供有价值的参考
AKG C 3000B SPECIFICATIONS Pdf Download - ManualsLib
View and Download AKG C 3000B specifications online. AKG Acoustics Condenser Microphone Specification Sheet. C 3000B microphone pdf manual download. Also for: C 3000 b.
2000年3月1日 · Now AKG has replaced the venerable C 3000 with the C 3000B, another large-diaphragm model that retails at an affordable $498, including H100 shock-mount. Despite being labeled as the “replacement” for the C 3000, the C 3000B …