P420 | High-performance dual-capsule true condenser microphone - AKG
The P420 is a multi-pattern large diaphragm true condenser microphone for demanding project studio recording applications. Offering high sensitivity and 155dB maximum SPL, the P420 delivers a warm, transparent sound quality perfectly suited for ensemble recording, grand piano, woodwind and brass instruments, as well as drums and percussion.
为什么那么多人推荐 AKG K420 这款耳机? - 知乎
AKG K420是一副让我又爱又恨的耳机。 在买K420之前,我听过的耳机应该没有超过30块的,也不知道居然还有卖好几百甚至成千上万的耳机。 那时候我读初中,和同学打架我一耳机砸过去,那时候,耳机和手机的外放唯一的区别就是不会吵到别人,那时候,我在酷狗听《玫瑰花的葬礼》心想周杰伦真厉害。 我以为所有耳机的音质都是一样的,价格全看做工用料和外形时髦的程度。 我看别人有的带着花花绿绿很时尚的耳机很帅,发誓自己有钱了也买一个漂亮的耳机,心想一个漂 …
【图片】评测一下AKGk420,无数发烧友入烧退烧的经典耳机_耳 …
如果你想买一个便携具有性价比的头戴式耳机,AKGk420虽然停产但还是有库存的,二手也是不错的选择。 个人觉得比同价位的漫步者h650p好一点,主要是漫步者h650p的声音没什么优点和缺点,可塑性不强。 不过论音质百元我更推荐入耳式耳机,例如耳机吧吧友们说的原道D83,毕竟有句话说得好,早知道还是原道。 想买蓝牙耳机,不介意二手的话,可以买漫步者TWS1,成色很新的百元能买下来,用起来非常方便,支持防水和语音降噪。 当然有条件还是建议加钱,学生党还 …
AKG Pro Audio Condenser Microphone, XLR, Sliver Blue, 165mm …
Introducing the AKG Pro Audio P420, a versatile and high-performance condenser microphone designed to meet the demands of your project studio recording needs.
AKG P420 review - SoundGuys
2024年11月15日 · With three selectable polar patterns, an attenuation pad, and a low-cut filter, the AKG P420 is the Swiss Army knife of microphones. Whether you're tracking at home or looking to expand your options in the studio, the P420 is a versatile, budget-friendly option for recording just about anything.
满满的回忆——AKG K420_头戴式耳机_什么值得买
2023年7月12日 · 当时在千元以内的价位AKG有两款我比较喜欢的耳机,看中小巧、便携、不丑和好听,当时有两款可供选择一款是500以内的性价比之王AKG K420 (399元),以及发布价格1190元的AKG K450! 我闭眼选了性价比之王的K420耳机,不为别的,只为在500以内称王…而且当时都在说K420和K450用的是同一型号的发生单元,其腔体设计和调音都非常相似,甚至有人专门买K420改装成K450! K420还是AKG的传统包装,刚打开的时候给我惊呆了,太可爱了吧! 不过 …
致敬经典——AKG K420 耳机 - 什么值得买
2024年8月3日 · akg k420 耳机,就是这样一款曾经被誉为“入门耳机守门员”的传奇之作。 akg 这个品牌,一直以来都以其卓越的音频技术和良好的口碑在耳机界占据着重要的地位。而 k420 作为其入门级产品,更是以高性价比受到了广大消费者的喜爱。
AKG P420 Large-diaphragm Condenser Microphone - Sweetwater
AKG's P420 large-diaphragm condenser mic gives you high sensitivity, a robust SPL capacity, and multiple pickup patterns; in short, it's a versatile, affordable addition to any pro facility where uncompromising quality is standard. The P420 features a 20dB pad and pristine sound quality.
AKG P420 Microphone Review: Features, Pros, Cons, and …
In this comprehensive review, we’ll dive into the key specs, sound character, design, polar patterns, and usage scenarios of the AKG P420 condenser mic. You’ll learn how it stacks up for acoustic instruments, drum overheads, vocals, and more. We’ll also cover the pros and cons to help you determine if it’s the right mic for your home studio needs.
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The P420 is a multi-pattern large diaphragm true condenser microphone for demanding project studio recording applications. Offering high sensitivity and 155dB maximum SPL, the P420 delivers a warm, transparent sound quality perfectly suited for ensemble recording, grand piano, woodwind and brass instruments, as well as drums and percussion.