【图片】【AKG】K702 65th 与 K7XX 的对比听感------很相似,但 …
这套系统推AKG的耳机,基本能喂饱,声音也算端正,但是味道偏淡。 7xx的开声并不好听,而我的65th使用了120小时左右,所以我先把7XX煲机至120小时,再来做的听感对比。 为什么我会觉得这两个耳机的声音相似? 我请了几位不发烧的朋友,让他们盲听对比,他们都说这俩耳机的声音一样。 我自己呢,也是在这5天煲机时间里,慢慢才摸清楚他俩的区别。 另外,我还请了一位经验比我丰富的朋友对比听,他也是一耳朵难以听出区别,多次切换耳机后,才能说出不同之处。 …
AKG K7XX RED review - SoundGuys
2020年7月23日 · If you want to get to the heart of your favorite tracks, the K7XX are headphones that you’d be crazy not to consider. They’re made of expertly tuned components by time-tested industry legends AKG, and you can hear each instrument clearly.
Massdrop x AKG K7XX — Reference Open-Back Audiophile Headphones …
With a uniquely low impedance of 20 ohms, the Edition XX is easy to drive from your laptop or portable music player. Extremely versatile, ideal for Home listening, gaming, and music mixing.
AKG K7XX初步聽感 - Mobile01
2014年12月24日 · 由於本人算半個木耳,不擅長描寫聲音這種抽象東西,只是這K7XX"新"耳機大概版上還沒有心得,在此分享簡單的初步聽感... 目前應該Run超過了90小時... 我只能說...WOW! 這耳機真的太讚了. K7XX聽流行, T90聽古典, 我想我可以退燒了... k712的配戴舒適度沒話說.... 雖然它的聲音跟拜耳比起來, 是很不刺激的, 但我就是喜歡, 比較耐聽啊!! 雜音這種東西, 除非平常音量聽得出來, 否則我是不會刻意去試啦... 你沒看錯,型號就叫做... (恕刪) 所以就........... K7xx我也有心動 …
[開箱] AKG K7XX (Massdrop限定販售版) - Mobile01
2014年12月25日 · 這支AKG K700系列耳機在十一月的時候從某個網站中被透露出來,因為型號像是開玩笑的K7XX,而且是限量版本,初次看到該文時有些驚訝。 由於AKG並沒在自己的官網中發表,原以為是那邊的山寨耳機,直到該文作者確認是特製版本,也給與非常正面的評價,當下決定衝首批發售。 十一月底開賣,訂購兩支順位都在前50名,十二月中寄出,剛好趕在聖誕節之前收到。 Massdrop公佈說和AKG合作,全數5000支分三梯次銷售(2000、1500、1500),售 …
AKG K7XX - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2014年12月5日 · Tech: The AKG K7xx is an open-back, over-ear pair of headphones with 45mm diameter dynamic transducers. It uses AKG’s patented varimotion two-layer diaphragm and unique flat-wire voice coil. Its frequency response ranges from 10 Hz to 39.8 kHz. The Massdrop price for the K7xx was $199.99 with free domestic shipping and a 2-year warranty included.
Drop AKG K7XX Review (Headphone) - Audio Science Review …
2016年2月13日 · This is a review and detailed measurements of the Drop AKG K7XX Limited Edition Red, open back headphone. It is on kind loan from a member. I can't find...
AKG K 7XX review | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2016年4月4日 · Hello everyone, recently i bought a new headphone: the AKG K 7XX (RED) and i wanted to share my impressions on these. I am no audiophile but i like high quality headphones because i love music and i want my music to sound natural and accurate.
AKG K7XX Review - The Best Monitoring/Reference Headphones?
The AKG K7XX Review: Massdrop X AKG K7XX Red Edition, Design and Build Quality, Sound Quality, Specifications, Price, Pros, Cons, Box Contents, Bass, Treble
Massdrop AKG K7XX Limited Red Edition Review - Headfonia
2016年10月27日 · AKG K7XX is a Massdrop exclusive headphone. This one is more exclusive though, as it’s colored red instead of the full black one. K7XX is a reconfigured version of AKG’s 65 th Anniversary model; K702 and the main purpose was to improve low frequencies and making a more flexible sound overall.