C547 BL | Professional boundary layer microphone - AKG
The C547 is a hypercardioid professional boundary layer microphone. The rugged, non-crush case and a switchable bass-cut filter make the C547 an ideal choice for tough on-stage assignments. Primarily designed for use in houses of worship, theaters and conferencing, the C547 BL is also a good choice for miking kick drums and other instruments.
AKG 2447Z00010 C547 BL Professional Boundary Layer Microphone
Primarily designed for use in places of worship, theaters, and conferencing, the C 547 BL is also a good choice for miking kick drums and other instruments. C 547 BL-T: Identical to C 547 BL, …
AKG C547 BL 专业界面话筒_环球音响网
c547 bl 是一款超心形指向的参考级界面话筒。 结实的,防划伤的外壳和可开关的低切滤波器使 C547 能够承担起舞台拾音这一重担。 采用 PCC®(相位一致的心形指向®)技术,加上锐心形指向,这款话筒在获得极高指向性的同时保留了自然的音色。
AKG 爱科技 C547BL 界面话筒_麦克风 - 搜狐
2020年4月7日 · 超心型綫, 录音室级别的界面话筒,坚固不易变形的外壳,带可切换的低音切割滤波器用来减少脚步声, 舞台上的理想选择。 AKG C547BL界面电容话筒适用于影院,礼拜堂及会议,带录音室质素的心形极性模式 ,可切换的低音-切去滤波器减少脚踏噪音,粗糙的非碾压外壳设计尤其适用于舞台上拾音要求. 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。 超心型綫, 录音室级别的界面话筒,坚固不易变形的外壳,带可 …
The microphone shall be a boundary layer microphone with hypercardioid polar pattern, with rugged construction and a switchable bass-cut filter for reducing footfall noise. The microphone shall be an ideal tool for on-stage assignments, as well as an on table microphone conferencing applications. The connector shall be a 3-Pin XLR.
AKG C547 BL Studio quality boundary layer microphone with 3
The C547 is a hypercardioid professional boundary layer microphone. The rugged, non-crush case and a switchable bass-cut filter make the C547 an ideal choice for tough on-stage assignments. Using PCC® (Phase Coherent Cardioid®) technology with hypercardioid polar pattern, the microphone provides high directivity and neutral sound.
AKG C547-BL MICROPHONE Boundary layer, hypercardioid, 9 …
C547 BL is a hyper-cardioid, professional, boundary-layer microphone. The 'rugged, non-crush case and a switchable bass-cut filter make the C547 BL an ideal choice for tough on-stage assignments'. Built on the same acoustical components as the C747 V11, the microphone provides 'high directivity and neutral sound'.
AKG Acoustics C 547 BL | RecordingHacks.com
Hypercardioid, studio-quality boundary microphone with rugged, “non-crush” case and switchable bass-cut filter for reducing footfall noise, ideal for tough on-stage assignments. Other benefits include optimum acoustic properties, high directivity, and neutral sound.
AKG C547 BL 专业界面话筒_环球音响网 - m.pro001.com
c547 bl 是一款超心形指向的参考级界面话筒。 结实的,防划伤的外壳和可开关的低切滤波器使 C547 能够承担起舞台拾音这一重担。 采用 PCC®(相位一致的心形指向®)技术,加上锐心形指向,这款话筒在获得极高指向性的同时保留了自然的音色。
AKG C547 BL - Boundary microphone · Audio XL
The AKG C547 BL is a professional boundary microphone with hypercardioid polar pattern. The robust impact-resistant housing and the switchable impact sound filter predestine the AKG C547 BL for rough stage use. By using Phase Coherent Cardioid technology, the microphone offers a high degree of directivity and neutral sound characteristics.
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