2441M0906 8 mV/Pa +/- 3 dB blue/blau → for /für C577 Cable variations Kabelvarianten Version 2441M1101 1,5m with open end, black 1,5m mit offenem Ende, schwarz 2441M1103 1,5m with open end, pink 1,5m mit offenem Ende, beige
AKG Acoustics CK 77 | RecordingHacks.com
AKG Acoustics CK 77 Omnidirectional Condenser Microphone. Excellent tool for recording and broadcast applications; Resistant to moisture, perspiration, and salts; Dual-diaphragm transducer for suppression of cable noise; Superior sound, compatible to all popular wireless transmitters; Extremely small omnidirectional lavalier microphone.
AKG C577 Miniature Microphone (part 1) - Adventures In Audio …
2004年1月1日 · AKG have had miniature mics in their catalogue for some time, but they obviously now hope that their new C577 will make a sizeable dent in Sennheiser’s sales figures.
Akg C577 Wr - Reverb
Extremely small omnidirectional lavalier microphone. The patented dual-diaphragm capsule has been designed specifically to protect the transducer from moisture and perspiration. The capsule uses two vertical diaphragms mounted back to back and connected out of phase to cancel out mechanical and cable noise, etc..
AKG C577 Condenser Lavalier Microphone - New Old Stock, Free …
The C577 is intended for those applications using standard phantom powering. The microphone is in great condition. Dual diaphragm transducer for rejection of cable noise. Slim profile and finish for unobtrusive wearing.
Mic AKG C 577 WR | MicPedia.com
Common name: AKG C 577 WR Production Status: Discontinued / Vintage The C 577 WR besides high sensitivity and lowest noise floor, this miniature omnidirectional mic provides an absolutely flat frequency response and inherent cable and cloth noise suppression.
AKG Acoustics GmbH -- Company History
The 1990s witnessed a burst of new product development at AKG. The CK77/C577, smaller than a thumbnail, was the world's smallest dual-diaphragm microphone. AKG also brought out its first cordless microphones and a variety of new headphone models, including the re-introduction of cordless, infrared headphones.
AKG Condenser Microphone Omnidirectional Pro Audio …
Great deals on AKG Condenser Microphone Omnidirectional Pro Audio Microphones. It's a great time to upgrade your home music studio gear with the largest selection at eBay.com. Fast & Free shipping on many items!
AKG Acoustics GmbH A-1230 Wien, Lemböckgasse 21-25, POB 158 Tel.: +43 1 866 54-0, Fax: +43 1 866 54-8800 Bank Austria AG, Konto-Nr. 237 104 004/00, BLZ 12000 DVR: 0035327, ARA-Nr. 3555 nach § 4 HG3. Firmensitz Wien, Firmenbuch-Nr. FN 107732f, Handelsgericht Wien www.akg.com H A Harman International Company
AKG C577 Miniature Microphone (part 2) - audiomasterclass.com
2004年1月1日 · The C577 is pretty hard to pop anyway. You may be wondering how I know all of this without the benefit of a jeweller’s tool kit to cut a cross section through the casing.