DMS800 System - AKG
The DMS800, reference digital wireless microphone system is designed to provide accurate signal transmission and reliability in theaters, conferences, live productions and tour sound applications. The DMS800 provides two digital audio outputs – for DANTE/AES67 and AES EBU.
DMS800 Mix Set | Reference digital wireless microphone system - AKG
The mix set contains the DSR800 reference two-channel digital wireless receiver, the DHT800 handheld transmitter, one D5 WL1 microphone head, the DPT800 body back transmitter, and a C111 LP ear hook microphone. The DSR800 receiver provides an ultra-wide bandwidth of up to 112MHz for reliable and versatile operation.
AKG DMS800 Vocal Set D5 Digital Wireless System | Sweetwater
The AKG DMS800 D5 dual-channel digital wireless receiver is one of the most powerful wireless systems in the game. Its 150MHz ultrawide frequency range ensures a good open signal connection. And you'll get to harness this power with the …
AKG DMS800:512 位加密技术双通道数字无线话筒系统 - 搜狐
2017年7月7日 · DMS800 提供了两个数字音频输出接口,分别适于 DANTE 和 AES EBU。 DHT800 手持发射器的设计和结构经全面优化并且支持更换话筒头,赋予了用户更大的自由。
AKG DMS800 USER INSTRUCTIONS Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download AKG DMS800 user instructions online. DIGITAL WIRELESS MICROPHONE SYSTEM. DMS800 microphone system pdf manual download. Also for: Dht800, Dsr800, Dpt800.
AKG DMS800-专业音响-陕西麒胜光电科技有限公司
2023年6月13日 · DMS800 参考级数字无线话筒系统经专门设计,可实现精准可靠的信号传输,适用于剧院,会议,现场演出和流动演出等场合。 作为屡获殊荣的 DMS700 V2 的后续产品,其继承了前代的全部优秀性能并极大扩展了应用范围。 DMS800 提供了两个数字音频输出接口,分别适于 DANTE 和 AES EBU。 DHT800 手持发射器的设计和结构经全面优化并且支持更换话筒头,赋予了用户更大的自由。 可选的话筒头包括 AKG D5 WL1、D7 WL1 和 C5 WL1。 此外,开关还 …
产品专辑|AKG DMS800数字无线麦克风-闪耀每一个舞台_音响网
在一套专业演出系统中,能够快速安装设置、稳定可靠的无线麦克风系统是必不可少的,AKG DMS800数字无线系统,可满足各类型专业演出舞台的需求。
- [PDF]
DMS800 - AKG
The DMS800, reference digital wireless microphone system is designed to provide accurate signal transmission and reliability in theaters, conferences, live productions and tour sound applications.
AKG DMS800 参考级数字无线话筒(停产)_环球音响网
DMS800 参考级数字无线话筒系统经专门设计,可实现精准可靠的信号传输,适用于剧院,会议,现场演出和流动演出等场合。 作为屡获殊荣的 DMS700 V2 的后续产品,其继承了前代的全部优秀性能并极大扩展了应用范围。
The DMS800, reference digital wireless microphone system is designed to provide accurate signal transmission and reliability in theaters, conferences, live productions and tour sound applications.
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