入门级的声音:AKG入门便携式头戴耳机横评 - 百度贴吧
AKG K4 Headphones Review price specs - Hi-Fi Classic
The new AKG K4 headphone, like the K340, uses a dynamic low-frequency driver and an electret high-frequency element. Unlike the circumaural, sound-isolating K340, however, the K4 is a lightweight, supra-aural, non-isolating model.
AKG K4 electret/dynamic classic PICS - Head-Fi.org
2011年2月27日 · The K4 is a beautiful design, planned in every detail, admirably executed. This tiny package includes a dynamic driver, the electret element and voltage transformer, and it’s still small and elegant. The style is somewhat straight and angular, and in my eyes quite appealing. Review of the K4 in Gramophone, July 1983.
akg k4系列断头梁线大军又增一员。。。 - 百度贴吧
这次的新成员是k267那个参考级旗舰dj监听耳机。 Tiesto系列dj监听k67,k167和k267一直以akg断头三兄弟著称 哈曼后来说猪一样的队友搞错了哈曼提供的配方制造塑料头梁才导致此悲剧下场。 后来老卖萌的akg官博菌多次发图声明哈曼解决了断头梁问题。 然后,以k267为首的三兄弟开始出现断头梁线的问题。 (感情是头梁线比当初搞错配方的头梁更结实,把头梁给磨断了? )问了羊驼他说不适合改平衡不过还好k267是双边用xlr插头,想解决断线问题改成可插拔的双边走线 …
AKG Service Department, Lemböckgasse 21-25, A-1230 Wien, Austria.Tel.: (431)86654-0, FAX: (431)86654-1514, e-mail: [email protected] 08/08 2/2 6 7 8 Apart from the mentioned items, no spare parts are available for these products. Außer den hier angeführten Teilen sind keine weiteren Ersatzteile für diese Produkte verfügbar.
请问akg k450耳机各方面怎么样? - 知乎
akg k450. 优点:小巧轻便可折叠,颜值比同门k420更好一点:颜色由蓝+灰升级为银+黑;耳罩由网膜升级为皮质耳罩、头梁部分也增加了软性材料。音质个人认为尚可,属于谈不上出众但是三频较为均衡的类型,直到现在仍然服役于平时的电话会议(算起来有五年 ...
让心情更蓝 AKG潮人便携耳机K402试玩评测 - YESKY
2010年4月12日 · akg mini k402系列半开放式设计可以有效的降低音浪给与耳膜较好的保护,自适应佩戴系统同样让长时间佩戴没有负重感和挤压感,搭配3d轴折叠可以更好的存放在包中便于携带,对于一款入门级耳机而言是非常完美的。
AKG K240 Studio + AKG Lyra Bundle /collections/bundles/k240studio-lyra-bundle.html USB microphone and Professional studio headphones /collections/bundles/k240studio-lyra-bundle.html
Amazon.com: Wired 3.5MM Jack Durable Earphones Earbuds w …
2022年11月9日 · Buy Wired 3.5MM Jack Durable Earphones Earbuds w Microphone and Volume Control, Deep Bass Clear Sound Noise Isolating in Ear Headphones, Compatible with LG K4 Tuned by AKG: Earbud Headphones - Amazon.com …
AKG Earbuds with Turbo Bass - K12P - amazon.com
2005年12月19日 · Whether you run at the gym or through the woods, the K 12 P will always be with you. These ultra-light ear buds will settle into your ears comfortably, and the Turbo Bass feature delivers an incredibly powerful sound.
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