My AKG K550 mods : r/headphones - Reddit
2021年9月7日 · After many years of owning the AKG K550 and especially lately - many months of modding them, I thought I'd share my experience with you. If you like how your K550s sound - this post probably isn't for you. If, on the other hand, they leave something to be desired, then read on - you might find something useful.
AKG K550 - Detachable Cable Mod? - Head-Fi.org
2012年11月12日 · Being completely disappointed with the decisions AKG has made with the K551 headphones, I would like to buy an AKG K550 that has been modified to have a 3.5mm jack on the cup instead of a permanent cable. I have a few questions about this - listed below. Is this do-able? Is there space in the cup for this?
How-to AKG K553 Pro Detachable Cable Mod (and for K550 and …
2015年4月22日 · The cable on the K553 was too long and too thick for my on-the-go use, so I decided to jump into my first attempt of a removable cable mod. (I had no experience before) 1. Set up your workspace with everything you will need (NB: usually with an iron, use a humid spong, I had none in this case so I used a humid towel) 2.
AKG K550 cup mods thread | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2004年11月12日 · So far, I have to say that the biggest improvement I've found in the K550s was...installing the Audyssey amp app on my iPhone. It doesn't do much for my Senn 580s or ADDIEMs, but their target curve fixes most of the things that ail the K550 up top. I typically do not use EQ, but thank you for the tip! Quote:
谈谈AKG K550mkii,大家有其他耳机分享吗? - 百度贴吧
谈谈AKG K550..买了个k550mkii,最近听了几天(没有煲开? ),可是听感不是特别合适我的胃口,背景音感觉比人声更加突出,比如钢琴声、吉他声、鼓声等听得很清楚,听歌听着听着感觉是在听曲奏,把人声忽略了,给人一种想要
请问akg k550如何? - 知乎
550作为封闭式可直推大耳,风格清秀,解析出色,佩戴也很舒适,而且现在价格快到我入时的一半,性价比已经相当不错了。 K550可以了,容易推,耳机各方面都不错,但是又不拔尖,但是对于正常要求的来说,K550性价比绝对够高. 今天刚收到k550,简单说说感想: 就sound signiture来说,低频量很小而高频因为结构的设计被刻意冲淡,结果就剩下了非常饱满的中频,低高低,典型的A Sharp。 非常适合听人声和大多数流行歌曲。 坚持这种调音风格的耳机已经不多了,喜欢 …
经典再升级 AKG K550 MKIII - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2018年7月18日 · akg的工程师在封闭式耳机的噪音隔离性能与开放式设计的宽敞尺寸音效之间取得了极佳平衡,打造出了k550 mkiii这款参考级的耳机。 无论居家还是出行,K550 MKIII都能获得极佳的私密聆听体验。
请问2020年了,akg k550系列还值得购买吗? - 知乎
后来出了k371系列,我现在毫无疑问推荐k371,更好的声音和佩戴,已经更结实,也更容易驱动出较好的声音。 我自己现在在用k550一代,咸鱼500收的。 解析声场高频非常出色,封闭式隔音也很好。 问题是低频实在有点残废,听acg挺好,古典不确定。 本人学生,开放式也有但是在宿舍不想吵到舍友,前端准备上3000的国砖,主听acg和古典。 如果值得购买,那…
AKG K550MkII 头戴式耳机测评报告 - 迅维网
2017年8月23日 · 而如今,K550 MkII这款产品也已经在AKG的官方网站下架,代替它的是K553 Pro,据说K553 Pro是在K550 MkII基础上修改调整的新型号。而从外观,主要参数来看,两者也基本没有什么不同。不过,再仔细看AKG产品目录会发现,和K550样式基本一样的还有一款蓝牙耳 …
An (even easier) AKG K550 Small Head Mod - Head-Fi.org
2012年10月3日 · But I've discovered an even easier mod for people who are less keen on bending the holy hell out of the band or stuffing the pads. The answer is actually ridiculously simple...what is it? Rubber Bands.