AKM-V3 - GHK Airsoft
New lightweight gas magazine, reducing weight by 20%. New hop-up system , featuring a new GBB bucking to reduce jamming risks, significantly improving accuracy and stability. …
GHK Full Metal AKM Airsoft GBB Rifle with Real Wood Furniture
This is the New GHK AKM GBB Rifle. This gun features an Airsoft GBB rifle made out of as much steel as possible to imitate the prefect collector's item. The internals are also a solid metal reinforced setup that have been redesigned with optimal performance in mind.
GHK AKM V3 GBBR Airsoft (GHK AK V3 GBB System) | RedWolf
The GHK AKM V3 GBB Airsoft rifle is an excellent replica of this iconic rifle and an upgrade to the previous GHK AK system and is perfect for Airsoft enthusiasts who want a realistic and high-quality Airsoft AKM.
- 评论数: 5
GHK AKM V3 瓦斯槍,GBB步槍,全金屬長槍,俄羅斯卡拉希尼柯 …
GHK AKM V3 瓦斯槍,GBB步槍,全金屬長槍 ( GHK AK 內部構造,LCT 精美外觀 ) 初速: 110 ± 10 m/s . 全行程槍機,循環射速可達650rpm(可替換高循環射速buffer) 材質全面升級, 積層木護木 、 鋼板沖壓槍身 、 鋼製槍機、鋼製槍管 、 全鋼火控
AKM V3 - GHK Airsoft
通用ghk ak系列所有瓦斯彈匣(舊版ak瓦斯、co2彈匣全部共用) 仿真兩段式槍機覆進簧. 飛機導軌優化,減少活塞斷翅風險. 無彈不擊發的設計. v2和v3零件%不通用 【小知識】 建議 彈匣灌氣不要灌太飽,灌4~5秒即可, 若灌太多 容易造成氣化不良,
GHK - AKM V3 GBB氣動槍 (GHK AK V3 GBB系統) /2024年版
GHK 最新AK V3 GBB版本系統。 全新製作仿真比例鋼製沖壓槍身 (可使用R品上蓋)。 材質全面升級、全鋼製外觀零件。 鋼製外管、對鎖設計優化更牢靠。 後握把改為仿真電木材質。 護木及槍托採用仿真積層木實木材料製作。 全新AK V3 GBB HOP-UP組 (GBB規格內管及膠皮)。 HOP-UP組快拆設計,易於維護更換。 全鋼製槍機殼、全鋼製活塞導桿。 鋼製仿真兩段式覆進簧組。 槍機行程修正加長。 內附兩種槍機緩衝塊,可調整槍機行程 (射速 RPM)。 21mm超大飛機汽缸,後 …
GHK AKM Gas Blow Back Rifle GBBR Airsoft ( Version 3 ) - JK …
The Newly developed GHK AKM Gas Blow Back Rifle, has taken a great leap from its V2 Predecessors. The new V3 Version is equipped with a 21mm ovresized piston, and a newly design Hop Up Chamber Unit, which allows the rifle to improve in both the recoil sensation and accuracy simultaneously.
GHK AKM V3 2024版开箱试玩 - 哔哩哔哩
GHK | Realism Meets Performance| RedWolf Airsoft Store
GHK is the leading airsoft gas blowback rifle (GBBR) and gas pistol manufacturer, renowned for their high performance and engaging recoil. GHK Airsoft guns are famous for their attention to detail and realism, right down to the field stripping experience and parts inside the airsoft gun.
AKM-V3 - GHK Airsoft
GHK AKM with NEW V3 system. 短緩衝(用於收藏和更真實的操作感-650rpm)和長緩衝(用於增強性能和後座力控制)