AKM Thermometers and Gauges | Qualitrol Corp
Qualitrol's AKM line of Transformer Thermometers, Temperature Indicators, Gauges and Pressure Controls including the well known AKM OTIWTI™ or AKM345
Oil Temperature Indicator | Winding Temperature Indicator
The AKM345 GEN3 OTIWTI TM is the future of oil and winding temperature indication for transformers of all classes from the industry leader. The AKM345 GEN3 utilizes the same great bellows technology as previous generations with new features to support the digitization of transformers and standard options to meet all specification requirements.
Qualitrol165/167 and AKM 47080 Thermometers | Qualitrol Corp
Qualitrol165/167 and AKM 47080 Side-Mount Thermometer side-mounted thermometers offer easy to read temperature indication with a resettable maximum pointer for ease in the field. Features up to 3 control and/or alarm switches (contacts). Models can be combined with a well (pocket) to allow for replacement without draining or compromising the tank.
AKMLAB Thermo Compact Dry Bath Incubator With Heating
AKMLAB Thermo Compact Dry Bath Incubator offers customized support, with a display accuracy of ≤±0.5℃, temperature range of RT+5 - 100℃, and 1-year warranty.| Alibaba.com
View and Download Qualitrol AKM OTIWTI instruction manual online. Capillary Based Oil Thermometer. AKM OTIWTI measuring instruments pdf manual download. Also for: Akm 345 gen2, Akm 35/gen2 wti, Akm 34/gen2 oti.
AKM Lab magnetic stirrer thermo scientific without hot plate
Quality AKM Lab magnetic stirrer thermo scientific without hot plate - find quality Others, Laboratory Furniture & Others from Akmlab Scientific Instruments Zhejiang Co., Ltd. of China Suppliers - 166580205.
SMC HRSF150-AN-40-AKM thermo chiller, CHILLER R454C - SMC …
Thermo-chiller HRS offers convenient functions, self diagnosis and check display for easy maintenance. An angled supply port facilitates the supply of circulating fluid, even when units are stacked. A large digital display provides a clear view of the current and set values.
旭化成微电子株式会社 旭化成电子科技 (上海) 有限公司 (AKM)
2024年12月6日 · 旭化成微电子 (akm) 以化合物半导体技术为基础,提供各种先进的传感设备,以及采用模拟/数字混合信号技术的精密ic产品。 产品 磁传感器
公司简介 | 关于我们 | 旭化成微电子 (AKM)
旭化成微电子 (AKM) 提供基于复合半导体技术的各种先进传感器件和采用模拟/数字混合信号技术的精密集成电路产品。 "AKM"是旭化成集团旗下的旭化成微电子株式会社(Asahi Kasei …
AKM 46890/46812/48003 Resistance Thermometer (RTD)
Resistance thermometer (RTD) with built-in heating element to simulate the measuring of winding temperatures within a transformer. Provides an analog (Pt100) output for remote indication and monitoring. Choice of one or two RTD’s allows for an extra …