AKMSU - Wikipedia
The AKMSU (Russian: АКМСУ) [a] is the name attributed to a compact carbine derived from the Soviet AKM, chambered in 7.62×39mm. The carbine was commonly thought to be a Soviet prototype weapon, but evidence suggests that the carbine was not actually of Soviet origin, and was instead a custom-made weapon misattributed as a Soviet weapon.
AKMSU | Gun Wiki - Fandom
One known rifle that is commonly attributed as an AKMSU, kept at the National Firearms Centre in the UK, has been examined and established to have been made from a Chinese Type 56-1 with an AKS-74U upper receiver and a custom-built handguard.
The legend of AKMSU – mysterious AK that never was
2018年8月10日 · The AKMSU or AKSMU is a compact carbine version of the Soviet AKM assault rifle in 7.62 caliber. AKMSU stands for Assault rifle (‘Avtomat’ in Russian) by Kalashnikov, Modified, Skladivaushiisya (folding-stock), Ukorochenniy (Shortened).
AKMSU - 枪炮世界
2018年8月31日 · AKMSU步枪或称AKSMU步枪是苏联7.62mm口径AKM突击步枪的紧凑型卡宾枪版本,“AKMSU”分别对应的意思是“突击步枪(Assault rifle,俄文为Avtomat)”、“设计师卡拉什尼科夫(俄文:Kalashnikov)”、“改进型(Modified)”、“折叠枪托(俄 …
步枪科普:AKMSU - 哔哩哔哩
2023年5月10日 · akmsu很可能是由一名巴基斯坦枪匠制作的产物,该武器集合了以下部件:中国56式自动步枪的机匣(但具有1977年图拉兵工厂生产akm的刻字)、苏联akm的击发机座、akms折叠枪托、aks-74u铰链机匣盖,以及由木工制作的护木。
AK、AKM、AKMS?AKMSU?它们之间到底有什么区别? - 百家号
2022年6月14日 · akmsu是akms的卡宾枪型,其枪身更短,主要是缩短了枪管。但曾有专家说,akmsu不是苏联或俄罗斯制造的,而是巴基斯坦改造的,目前真实情况还不清楚。
AKM ——〖枪炮世界〗
AKM 全称为 Avtomat Kalashnikov Modernizirovannyi,即 卡拉什尼科夫自动步枪 改进型,这种武器已经成为至今为止生产量最高、影响最大的AK枪。 AKM 改进型(第2型) 这种就是最早被定型的 AKM,在1959年获得苏军采用,主要有如下的改进: 步枪重量减轻,主要是大量采用冲压件,并把铆接改为焊接,如枪管节套和尾座是点焊在1mm厚的U形机匣上,机框-枪机导轨也是冲压件并点焊在机匣内壁上;弹匣改用轻合金,与原来的钢弹匣可以通用,后期还研制了一种玻璃纤 …
AKMSU - NamuWiki
2025年1月26日 · It is known as a gun favored by the Mujahideen commandos and the Spetsnaz who chased them, as it demonstrated tremendous mobility and firepower in narrow caves where the engagement distance was extremely short.
My full auto AKMSU - AR15.COM
2020年4月9日 · Definitely a gun that I am very proud of, and I am extremely proud that it was built for me by Ted Marshall. He is currently building me an exact clone of a Russian AK-105 on a second transferable AK of mine, and I can not wait until the day that I receive that!
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