Atomic Layer Deposition of Pt Thin Films Using Dimethyl (N,N …
2019年7月3日 · Pt thin films, using the Pt precursor, dimethyl (N, N -dimethyl-3-butene-1-amine- N)platinum (DDAP, C 8 H 19 NPt), were deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD). The growth characteristics of the Pt thin films were systemically investigated.
Atomic Layer Deposition of Pt on the Surface Deactivated by ...
2020年11月4日 · Selective atomic layer deposition (ALD) using surface-controlled reactivity is attracting a great deal of attention as a simple bottom-up patterning process that can provide both continued dimensional scaling and accurate pattern placement for next-generation nanoelectronics.
Surface Chemistry during Atomic Layer Deposition of Pt Studied …
2022年1月31日 · A detailed understanding of the growth of noble metals by atomic layer deposition (ALD) is key for various applications of these materials in catalysis and nanoelectronics. The Pt ALD process using MeCpPtMe 3 and O 2 gas as reactants serves as a model system for the ALD processes of noble metals in general.
通过原子层沉积控制铂纳米结构的尺寸:从表面化学反应到应 …
2023年3月14日 · 凭借其独特的自饱和表面反应以及多种前体化学、可调沉积条件和各种表面工程方法,ALD 提供了在原子级精度上控制沉积 Pt 量的能力,并能够制造各种低维材料。
ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition) - 知乎
ALD 技术和 CVD, PVD 薄膜生长技术相比具有以下优势:1.大部分ALD 工艺在400度以下的低温进行;2. 由于是以原子为单位沉积,可以精确的控制非常薄的薄膜,杂质含量低,几乎没有pin hole; 3.
薄膜沉积丨原子层沉积(ALD)技术原理及应用 - AccSci英生科技
原子层沉积 (Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD)是一种基于化学气相沉积 (CVD) 的高精度薄膜沉积技术,是将物质材料以单原子膜的形式基于化学气相一层一层的沉积在衬底表面的技术。
原子层沉积(ALD)工艺揭秘:成功开发、优化和表征 ALD 工艺 …
2024年5月7日 · 原子层沉积技术(ALD)是一种一层一层原子级生长的薄膜制备技术。 理想的 ALD 生长过程,通过选择性交替,把不同的前驱体暴露于基片的表面,在表面化学吸附并反应形成沉积薄膜。 由于前驱体和共反应物与基底表面基团的反应具有自限性,因此理想情况下每个循环沉积的材料量相同。 通过进行一定数量的 ALD 循环,可以获得目标薄膜厚度。 图 1.由两个半周期组成的典型 ALD 循环示意图。 连续的前驱体和共反应剂剂量通过气体吹扫或泵(抽真空)操作 …
ALD Pt nanoparticles and thin-film coatings enhancing the …
We report on thin-film coatings and catalyst nanoparticles both deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) on silicon (Si) photocathodes that simultaneously enhance their performance and stability.
Uniform ALD deposition of Pt nanoparticles within 1D anodic TiO
2018年1月1日 · In the present work we investigate the utilization of Pt nanoparticles produced by atomic layer deposition (ALD) within anodic TiO2 nanotube (NT) layers for photocatalytic H2 production. By varying the number of ALD cycles, Pt nanoparticles with different diameters were produced, uniformly decorating the tube walls.
Atomic layer deposition of Pd and Pt nanoparticles for catalysis: on ...
2015年12月4日 · Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a thin film deposition method that has gained increasing momentum in the last decade for applications in microelectronics and renewable energy technologies, due to its ability to deposit ultrathin high-quality films with control at …