ALD (atomic layer deposition) is a process by which coatings of single atomic layers of desired materials are conformally deposited on objects of interest one atomic layer at a time. The simplest ALD process involves the use of two chemical precursors.
Load capacity and recovery behaviour of ALD-coated MCP-PMTs
2020年1月1日 · Since their non-ALD counterparts featured a good performance (∼ 0.8 μ A/cm 2 load capacity and immediate gain recovery), the observed problems were associated with the ALD coating of the MCP stack.
微通道板打拿极导电层ALD制备技术研究进展 - hanspub.org
ald-mcp导电层是在微通道阵列基底上通过ald技术制备薄膜,这种技术实现了功能层和基体材料的分离。 相对于RLSG-MCP和AT-MCP的导电层,ALD-MCP导电层具有以下优势:
西安光机所等研制出新一代高性能微通道板 - 中国科学院
2021年8月18日 · 科研人员利用ald技术在微通道内壁沉积导电层和二次电子发射层功能材料,实现了结构材料和功能材料的分离,避免了传统铅玻璃氢还原工艺中材料与性能相互牵扯的矛盾,基体材料可扩展到硼硅酸盐玻璃材料、高分子材料以及陶瓷材料等。
Large MCP coated by Arradiance recipe and tool outperforms the current state of art technology: unparalleled spatial and tempo resolution; excellent gain, excellent gain uniformity over 200mm x200mm and 10 times
Microchannel Plate Imaging Detectors for High Dynamic Range ...
2017年1月11日 · A new class of MCPs constructed using atomic layer deposition (ALD) on borosilicate glass microcapillary arrays is providing enhancements towards this goal. The ALD MCP manufacturing process decouples the operational functionalization from the substrate fabrication, opening the door for new resistive layers and high secondary emissive materials.
2020年8月7日 · 原子层沉积 (ald)是一种特殊的化学气相沉积方法,通过将气相前驱体脉冲交替地通入反应腔并在基底上化学吸附并反应而形成沉积膜,其反应属于自限制性反应,即当一种前驱体与另一种前驱体反应达到饱和时,反应自动终止。 原子层生长的自限制性特点使其制备的薄膜具有厚度精确可控、表面均匀性好、保形性优等特点,目前在科研以及商业生产上得到了广泛的应用。 此技术可在高深宽比沟槽以及通道内沉积具有高二次电子发射系数的功能膜层,解除了传统制 …
Commercialization of ALD-MCPs and LAPPDTM technology is in progress (with Incom Inc, MA) and will have impact on near/long terms MCP-based detectors applications in various
By reviewing all materials starting from scratch and applying an ALD* (atomic layer deposition) technique, we succeeded in creating ALD-MCPs (microchannel plates) that ensure low noise and high signal multiplication (gain) without using materials containing
Designed for extreme surface area, high aspect ratio structures: Multi-channel precursor delivery system isolates & distributes precursors combine with a tapered exhaust to provide exceptional nanofilm uniformity.