The influence of substrate on the adhesion behaviors of atomic …
2011年1月25日 · ALD is an altered CVD growth method that is based on self-limiting mechanism, in which precursors (gases or vapors) are alternately pulsed onto the substrate surface. Since it does not involve thermal decomposition of the precursors, this technique is highly feasible in growing thin films at low process temperature with excellent step coverage [1].
TEM characterization of ALD layers in deep trenches using a …
2010年6月1日 · In this work we investigate such ultra thin layers inside deep trench structures in terms of their conformity and layer thickness by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The capacitor structures with aspect ratio up to 50:1 (depth to diameter) were coated by atomic layer deposition (ALD).
Nucleation and growth of low resistivity copper thin films on …
2023年11月30日 · The microstructures and elemental composition across the Cu/treated PI interface is investigated by TEM equipped with EDX capabilities. The nucleation and growth model of ALD-Cu thin films on polyimide substrates by low-temperature ALD is proposed.
原子层沉积聚酰亚胺及其对聚合物分离膜改性的研究-学位-万方数 …
原子层沉积 (Atomic Layer Deposition,ALD)是一种高效的薄膜生长方法,可以在基底表面形成均匀保形、以亚纳米级精度生长的薄层。 本论文利用ALD技术沉积PI薄膜,并利用PI对聚醚砜 (Polyethersulfone,PES)和聚丙烯(Polypropylene,PP)分离膜进行改性。 通过控制沉积次数不仅有效的调节了PES膜和PP膜的渗透性能,同时热稳定性、机械稳定性等得到提高。 且将沉积PI后的PES膜与乙二胺化学交联,进一步改善PES膜的性能。 首先,利用ALD沉积PI调节PES …
原子层沉积(ALD)工艺揭秘:成功开发、优化和表征 ALD 工艺 …
2024年5月7日 · 原子层沉积技术(ALD)是一种一层一层原子级生长的薄膜制备技术。 理想的 ALD 生长过程,通过选择性交替,把不同的前驱体暴露于基片的表面,在表面化学吸附并反应形成沉积薄膜。 由于前驱体和共反应物与基底表面基团的反应具有自限性,因此理想情况下每个循环沉积的材料量相同。 通过进行一定数量的 ALD 循环,可以获得目标薄膜厚度。 图 1.由两个半周期组成的典型 ALD 循环示意图。 连续的前驱体和共反应剂剂量通过气体吹扫或泵(抽真空)操作 …
利用纳米线辅助 TEM 分析优化原子层沉积工艺,Advanced …
2024年2月29日 · 这里提出了一种使用高纵横比纳米线和透射电子显微镜 (tem) 在 ald 沉积过程中优化这些工艺参数的方法。 纳米线样品直接在 TEM 网格上制备,并在沉积过程中放入 ALD 反应器中。
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of Pd/ALD…
In this paper, the authors demonstrate the atomic layer deposition (ALD) of highly homogeneous and ultrathin (≈3.6 nm) Al2O3 films with very good insulating properties (breakdown field of ≈10–12...
In Situ ALD-TEM System to Study Atomic Nucleation Phenomena
Transmission Electron microscopy (TEM) would be a suitable and widely available technique to accomplish this objective. However, standard instruments have differing vacuum requirements than those necessary for ALD. During ALD, TEM detectors could be damaged as they are being exposed to corrosive volatile chemical compounds.
HR cross-sectional TEM images of the Al-PI interface (A) in the ...
HR cross-sectional TEM images of the Al-PI interface (A) in the as-deposited state (B) after 200 thermal cycles of ±150°C and (C) after annealing at 300°C for 140 hours. The annealing-induced...
表面预处理和沉积条件对通过原子层沉积的聚合物基底上Al 2 O 3 …
表面预处理和沉积条件对气体渗透性能(包括He,O 2和H 2 O的渗透性)的影响;尺寸; 并通过原子层沉积(ALD)研究了聚合物基底上Al 2 O 3膜的渗透增强缺陷密度和机械柔韧性,从而开发出用于有机和柔性电子产品的柔性阻气膜。 用KOH水溶液预处理聚酰亚胺(PI)和聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)基材大大降低了ALD Al 2 O 3的透气性由于基材表面和ALD前体之间的亲和力得到了改善,因此薄膜被覆。 改变ALD条件-包括延长前体暴露时间,提高沉积温度和更改前体顺序-增 …