Preparation and properties of AlN–BN composite ceramics …
2024年1月1日 · In this work, cubic boron nitride (c-BN) was introduced as a reinforcing phase into AlN/BN composite ceramics, which were prepared via hot pressing sintering, and the effects of c-BN addition on microstructure, mechanical properties, and …
Structural properties of full-scope AlN/BN compounds …
2024年1月1日 · This study focuses on the mixed AlN/BN compounds, in particular, boron-rich AlN and aluminum-rich BN systems, thus having the entire range of AlN/BN compositions. The focus of the study was on structural properties investigated using …
Novel boron-rich aluminum nitride advanced ceramic materials
2022年8月9日 · Aluminum nitride (AlN) and boron nitride (BN) are well-known ceramic materials with numerous valuable properties, whereas recently there is a growing field of research on the AlN/BN advanced ceramic materials. Here, we present a study on boron-rich AlN, structural and electronic properties, and structure–property relationship.
Scalable synthesis of multilayer h-BN on AlN by metalorganic …
2019年10月11日 · At a reduced TEB flow rate, we observed a significantly decreased nuclei density and a delay in nucleation due to TEB desorption. By fine tuning the growth parameters, single-crystalline multilayer h-BN was successfully formed on AlN surface, as confirmed by x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
Improvement in mechanical properties in AlN-h-BN …
2021年9月13日 · It is possible to improve the machinability of aluminum nitride-hexagonal boron nitride (AlN-h-BN) ceramics while maintaining high strength and high thermal conductivity. The composite ceramics with 0–30 wt% BN as secondary phase were prepared by hot pressed sintering, using yttrium oxide (Y 2 O 3) as sintering aid.
Van der Waals epitaxial AlGaN/GaN growth on hexagonal BN via …
2024年7月15日 · The growth behavior of Al atoms on hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) involves preferential adsorption and diffusion along the N-top position, considerably improving AlN formation in the early stage of nucleation. Preferential N adsorption enables h-BN to provide a natural N surface for the substrate.
AlN-BN复合材料的制备及其介电和热导性能研究 - 百度学术
氮化铝 (AlN)陶瓷具有高热导率,高绝缘性,低介电常数和介电损耗等优异的综合性能,是极具应用前景的微波透波材料.六方氮化硼 (h-BN)陶瓷具有优异的介电性能,良好的机械加工性能,良好的抗热震性能.因此,AlN和h-BN材料的复合可获得介电,热导和力学性能等综合性能 ...
<br>MOCVD 生长的层状 h-BN 上晶圆级单晶 AlN 薄膜的受控剥 …
2024年4月29日 · Controlled exfoliation of wafer-scale single-crystalline AlN film on MOCVD-grown layered h-BN In this work, we present a stress-free AlN film with improved crystal quality assisted by h-BN and demonstrate the mechanical exfoliation of wafer-scale single-crystal AlN freestanding membrane and reveal the controllable exfoliation mechanism of AlN.
新型富硼氮化铝先进陶瓷材料,International Journal of Applied …
Here, we present a study on boron-rich AlN, structural and electronic properties, and structure–property relationship. Several Al N solid solutions ( = 1, .875, .75, and .625) have been investigated, and structure optimization has been performed for four different structure types: -BN, wurtzite, sphalerite, and rock salt.
Synergetic enhancement of thermal conductivity by constructing BN …
2020年7月13日 · In this work, a unique thermal conductive channel in the epoxy matrix had been established with hybridizing hexagonal boron nitride (BN) sheets and aluminum nitride (AlN) particles through a solution mixture and hot-pressing method.