T-43戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T-43中型戰車 是一款 蘇聯 於 第二次世界大戰 期間開發的實驗性中型坦克。 蘇聯軍方 希望這款坦克能夠取代 T-34戰車 及 KV-1坦克,成為 蘇聯紅軍 的主力戰車。 計畫中,T-43戰車將擁有比一般 中型坦克 更為厚重的裝甲,然而現有的 T-34/85戰車 便已經足夠反制德軍戰車,T-43戰車的開發計畫因而被取消。 T-34戰車 是 第二次世界大戰 期間 蘇聯 裝甲部隊的骨幹,生產數量極為龐大。 1942年5月, 蘇軍 開始遭遇到裝備 75毫米KwK 40戰車炮 的德軍戰車,這門戰車炮可以輕易 …
T-43 medium tank - Wikipedia
The T-43 medium tank was a prototype Soviet medium tank developed during the Second World War as a possible replacement for both the T-34 medium and KV-1 heavy tanks. The project's aim was to build a medium tank with heavier armour, but German advances in tank technology proved better countered by a more heavily armed T-34-85 and the T-43 was ...
Carro Armato P.43 - Wikipedia
The P43 was the pinnacle of Italian tank design during WW2. The Italians goal with this vehicle was to create a somewhat equivalent of the Panther and Tiger tanks used by their allies. This tank’s design was obviously a natural progression of …
T-43中型坦克 - 百度百科
首先,t-43坦克增大了炮塔座圈的直径,在炮塔顶部左后位置设置了一个车长用指挥塔,可以进行全向观察,还取消了无线电员; 其次,为了能够抵御 88毫米炮 在1000米距离上的直射,铸造炮塔的正面装甲厚度达到了90毫米,车体正面装甲则采用75毫米厚度/55度 ...
120mm Gun Tank T43 - Tank Encyclopedia
2021年2月5日 · The T43 (M103) was a project of the US Army with the goal of developing a heavy tank capable of defeating enemy heavy tanks at combat ranges and deliver heavy fire-support for both infantrymen and medium tank battalions in offensive and defensive roles.
T-43, Take One - Tank Archives
2019年6月4日 · At a weight of under 30 tons: V2-34 500 hp engine. At a weight of over 30 tons: V2-K 600 hp engine. Range: 250-300 km on a highway. Other tactical-technical requirements will be set by the NKTP and GABTU.
T-34M (A-43) Medium Tank Project - Military Factory
2019年2月4日 · Available supported armament, ammunition, and special-mission equipment featured in the design of the T-34M (A-43) Medium Tank Project. 1 x 76.2mm F-34 main gun OR 1 x 57mm ZiS-4 anti-tank gun in turret.
T-43 Medium-Heavy Tank / Universal Tank Prototype - Military Factory
2019年1月6日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the T-43 Medium-Heavy Tank / Universal Tank Prototype including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
T-43 Medium Tank | World War II Database - WW2DB
In the fall of 1943, the focus of tank development shifted toward better guns rather than thicker armor, thus the T-43 project was scrapped. Instead, the Uralvagonzavod complex was told to focus on fitting a more lethal gun on the existing T-34 medium tanks, which ultimately resulted in the T-34-85 design.
The T-43 Experimental Tank - losthistory.net
After trials, the T-43 tank was recommended for acceptance by the Red Army at the end of the summer of 1943, but the results of the Battle of Kursk significantly altered this plan. The armor protection was superior, compaired to the T-34, while it's …