AMD A8-5500 Specs | TechPowerUp CPU Database
The AMD A8-5500 was a desktop processor with 4 cores, launched in October 2012. It is part of the A8 lineup, using the Trinity architecture with Socket FM2. A8-5500 has 4 MB of L2 cache and operates at 3.2 GHz by default, but can boost up to 3.7 GHz, depending on the workload.
AMD A8-5500 - Benchmark, Test and Specs
The processor AMD A8-5500 is developed on the 32 nm technology node and architecture Trinity (Piledriver). Its base clock speed is 3.20 GHz, and maximum clock speed in turbo boost - 3.70 GHz. AMD A8-5500 contains 4 processing cores.
AMD A8-5500 CPU - CPU-Upgrade
The AMD A8-5500 is a Socket FM2 processor, based on Trinity core. There are also 16 AMD Trinity chips, that work in the same socket. Below you will find partial characteristics of these parts, as well as stepping information.
AMD A8-5500 Benchmark, Test and specs - CPU Monkey
The AMD A8-5500 is a 4 core processor. It can handle 4 threads simultaneously and was introduced in Q3/2012. The AMD A8-5500 is based on the 2. generation of the AMD A series and requires a mainboard with the socket FM2. The AMD A8-5500 scores 463 points with one CPU core in the Geekbench 5 benchmark.
UserBenchmark: AMD A8-5500 APU vs Ryzen 5 5500
Based on 23,701 user benchmarks for the AMD A8-5500 APU and the Ryzen 5 5500, we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against the best 1,475 CPUs.
AMD A8-Series A8-5500 - AD5500OKA44HJ / AD5500OKHJBOX
2012年6月30日 · AMD A8-5500 desktop System-on-a-chip: latest news, detailed specifications, benchmarks, side by side comparison, FAQ, pictures and more from CPU-World
AMD A8 5500 - full specs, benchmarks and review
Complete technical specifications, details, benchmarks and review of AMD A8 5500. Find out how your chosen processor stacks up against the competition and whether it's the one that best meets your expectations with the CPU comparison feature.
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