SmoothQuant model inference on AMD Instinct MI300X using …
2024年5月31日 · The instances suffixed with xdl only run on AMD Instinct accelerators after being compiled and cannot run on Radeon-series GPUs. This is due to the underlying device-specific instruction sets for implementing these basic instances.
处理器和显卡驱动程序及支持 - AMD
自动检测并安装 AMD Radeon 系列显卡和锐龙芯片组的驱动程序更新. 适用于运行 Windows® 11 / Windows® 10 64 位版本 1809 及更高版本的系统。直接下载到要更新的系统中并运行。 了解更多
'xdl' is not recognized as an internal or external command ... - AMD
You need to run the setting64.bat file before running xdl.. Instead of using windows command prompt, You can also open ISE command prompt and the directly run xdl command. Start-->Xilinx Design tools--> ISE 13.4-->Accessories--> ISE command prompt.
AMD Instinct™ MI300X Accelerators
AMD Instinct™ MI300X accelerators are designed to deliver leadership performance for Generative AI workloads and HPC applications. Optimize GPU-accelerated applications with AMD ROCm™ software. Built on a code-once, use-everywhere approach. Learn more about the architecture that underlies AMD Instinct accelerators.
Hello World Tutorial — Composable Kernel 1.1.0 Documentation - AMD
CK library fully supports gfx908 and gfx90a GPU architectures, while only some operators are supported for gfx1030 devices. Check your hardware to determine the target GPU architecture. There are also cloud options you can find if you don’t have an AMD GPU at hand. This tutorial is based on the use of docker images as explained in CK Docker Hub.
AMD 显卡/GPU 深度学习折腾指南 - CSDN博客
2020年4月1日 · 在风起云涌的AI江湖,NVIDIA凭借其CUDA生态和优秀的硬件大杀四方,立下赫赫战功,而另一家公司AMD也不甘示弱,带着他的生态解决方案ROCm开始了与不世出的NVIDA的正面硬钢,"ROCm is the answer to CUDA", AMD官网如是说。
在AMD GPU上实现高性能LLM推理 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
具体来说,在 Llama2-7B/13B上,AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX的推理性能可以达到NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4090速度的80%,NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3090Ti速度的94%。除了ROCm,我们的 Vulkan 支持还可以将LLM部署推广到其他AMD设备,例如搭载了AMD APU的 …
AMD Customer Community
You need to run the setting64.bat file before running xdl.. Instead of using windows command prompt, You can also open ISE command prompt and the directly run xdl command. Start-->Xilinx Design tools--> ISE 13.4-->Accessories--> ISE command prompt.
AMD 开源基于 XDNA 的 NPU 驱动,加速机器学习与信号处理
2024年1月30日 · AMD开源XDNA架构的神经处理单元(NPU)驱动程序,提升机器学习和信号处理性能. AMD刚刚在高性能计算领域迈出了重要的一步,开源了其基于XDNA架构的神经处理单元(NPU)的驱动程序。 这意味着开发人员现在可以 unprecedented 访问这些强大加速器的内部工作方式,为更快的机器学习(ML)和信号处理应用铺平了道路。 NPUs是专用处理器,设计用于处理与ML和信号处理任务相关的计算密集型工作负载。 与传统的CPU不同,后者擅长处理多样 …
AMD Optimizing CPU Libraries (AOCL)
2024年10月10日 · AOCL is a set of numerical libraries optimized for AMD processors based on the AMD “Zen” core architecture and generations. Supported processor families are AMD EPYC™, AMD Ryzen™, and AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ processors.