Panhard AML - Wikipedia
Formally known as the AML H-90, or by its manufacturer's code AML-245C, the AML-90 was designed for carrying out rearguard duties and substituting for the heavier tanks and armoured fighting vehicles deployed in a more linear fashion at the front. [37]
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在动力系统上,AML 90新版安装了一台XD3T型涡轮增压柴油机(98匹马力),搭配潘哈德公司自产的6挡手动变速器,公路极速可达90km/h,越野性能良好。 在电子设备上,AML 90采用了合像式火控系统,安装有红外夜视仪和激光测距仪。
AML-099 vs AML-090 | Minecraft Animation - YouTube
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AML-90 - Weaponsystems.net
The AML-90 mounts a 90mm D921 rifled cannon and two 7.5mm or 7.62mm machine guns. A total of 20 rounds are carried for the 90mm gun. These fire HEAT rounds capable of destroying all types of light armored vehicles, and are even able to …
Panhard AML — Wikipédia
La Panhard AML est une automitrailleuse légère (AML) fabriquée par la firme Panhard qui équipa l’ armée de Terre et la Gendarmerie nationale française du début des années 1960 à la fin des années 1990.
AML-090 Playlist - YouTube
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AML 090 (new) - Enderman Texture - NovaSkin
2021年3月22日 · AML 090 (new) :: Free for use battle - enderman from novaskin editor We use essential cookies to make our site work. With your consent, we may also use non-essential cookies to improve user experience, personalize advertisements, and analyze web traffic.
This Bid Bond shall guarantee that the Principal will not withdraw his bid during the period of thirty (30) days following the opening of bids; that if his bid is accepted, Principal will enter into a formal contract with the Owner in accordance with the Contract Between Owner and Contractor, included as a part of the Invitation for Bids (IFB D...
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反洗钱的说明:AML-089表示一个人形实体站在大约10米高,这个物体似乎有一对翅膀,四个灰色的角,一个紫色的三叉戟和一条尾巴。 显然,AML-089可以扭曲逻辑,扭曲现实,这使得它无法被实际分析。 然而,这并不意味着AML-089不能被采访;关于AML-089的信息仍然可以通过采访获得。 AML-089在人格上是极端虐待狂,它经常喜欢折磨协会人员取乐。 显然,AML-089能感受到幸福的唯一方法就是折磨别人。 AML-089显然是现存最邪恶的生物,然而,它却不受邪恶的束缚。 …