AML Configuration | AML-3 with SVP & Turbidity for Dredging | The AML …
The AML-3 LGR can be paired with sound velocity & temperature and pressure sensors. Ideal for dredging applications, measure sound speed in addition to temperature, with the ability to output calculated salinity & density. The full Titanium construction of the SVT sensor makes this configuration more suitable for deep water deployment.
aml-3ctd温盐深仪分为aml-3 lgr 和 aml-3 rt , 两种 型号配置虽然 在尺寸和形状上几乎 完全 相同 ,但是在一些配置上有区别 , 在各自的应用上具有特殊性。
AML Configuration | AML-3 with conductivity temperature sound …
The AML-3 LGR is frequently paired with conductivity & temperature, pressure and sound velocity sensors. CTDSV measurements are often used to calculate the absorption coefficient to allow for the correction of Multibeam Backscatter data. We’re all about getting you the right kit, at the right time, in the right place.
There are two primary configurations of instruments in the AML-3 family: the AML-3 LGR, a self-powered instrument designed for profiling applications, and the AML-3 RT, an externally powered instrument intended for Real Time applications.
AML- 3 CTD多参数剖面仪_青岛领海海洋仪器有限公司
AML-3多参数测量仪既可自容也可实时传输,本机可直接安装3个传感器,通过外接最多可集成4个传感器,可选声速、电导率温度传感器、压力、浊度及多款电缆外接传感器。 可长时间观测,适用于浮标、潜标等观测平台。 AML- 3. 多参数测量仪. 加拿大AML公司介绍: 加拿大 AML Oceanographic公司 (www.amloceanographic.com)设计、生产高精度测量仪器、设备,可用于海洋水文观测、环境监测、及其他水质测量应用。 自1974年成立以来,AML专注于海洋监测市 …
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加拿大AML公司系列SVP/CTD - Ocean Physics Technology 翱飞科技
AML是加拿大一家声速仪,CTD和环境传感器、探头、设备制造商。 AML-1、AML-3和AML-6三种型号仪器,分别可搭配X2changeTM系列探头的个数为1个、3个和6个。 X2changeTM是现场可更换传感器头,提供了电导率、声速、温度和压力传感器头。 每种传感器头都包含自己的嵌入式校准装置,并可从一台仪器移到另一台仪器而不会影响现场精度,一拧一装即可更换传感器。 您的CTD可成为SVTP,浅水量程仪器可用于深水,温度量程可根据需要扩大或缩小。 此外该公司 …
AML-3多参数温盐深仪CTD - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
aml-3可选aml-3 lgr和aml -3 rt版本,2者的尺寸几乎一样,主要区别是应用不同: LGR版本 :内置可充电池,在钩环附近有机械 磁开关 ,它主要应用于多参数的剖面测量,自记数据供后期处理分析。
AML-3 LGR - Sea and Land Technologies
The AML-3 LGR is most commonly used for vertical profiling of the water column with internal logging of sensor measurements and seamless data transfer via WiFi or USB on recovery. The AML-3 series is a highly configurable family of multiparameter sondes designed for a wide range of data collection applications.
AML-3 LGR SVP 500m - Geo-matching
The AML-3 LGR is most commonly used for vertical profiling of the water column with internal logging of sensor measurements and seamless data transfer via WiFi or USB on recovery. X2change™ is the industry’s leading family of field-swappable sensor heads.